
New Gosselin Show


Gosselins 24/Eight will lock the kids in a safe house, where they will be home schooled and have their lives broadcast on the Internet, like Big Brother. They?ll compete for luxuries including running water, food, and affection from their parents, who will stop by the house once or twice a year, in-between appearances they?re doing all over the country ?for the kids.?

The series will debut this summer and air continuously until the kids turn 18. ?This children are still under contract with the network, which does not permit them to acquire resources without our permission,? a TLC source said. ?We will not permit them to abdicate their responsibilities to make money for us. We also need to maximize the time that they are small, and our lawyers suggested filming them 24/7.? Big Brother producer Allison Grodner will produce the series, because according to the Gosselin kids? contract, ?Food and water may be contingent upon participation in challenges resembling ones drug-addled monkeys would create.?

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