
Three things - add yours

1. DD's new favorite movie is Hook  *SQUEEEEEEE*

2. I'm listening to Purple Rain and loving it.

3. DS woke up at 3am and has been up ever since.  And violent.  I'm ready to trade him in for a newer model, his sleep button is broke-defied.

Re: Three things - add yours

  • 1. my littler ones have been home sick all week and the whining is making me insane so I know they're feeling much better.  :)

    2. I don't like the new coffee DH bought.

    3. I need somethinge new to read. 

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  • 1. my DH played hooky today from work. first time since I've known him. and I met him in 1999.

    2. I am shocked that my composter doesn't smell. I am strangely excited about composting.

    3. we have an attic insulation dude here right now and I think he's full of baby-huey.

    1. I am just plain tired.
    2. I have a million and one things to get done and we have a family wedding on saturday night.
    3. Girls are coming over my house tonight and although I know it will be fun, I am wishing we were going out instead

    ok, I guess that might be more than 3.

  • 1 - I don't feel like being at work today

    2 - I got the new PBK catalog today so that means I'm crying

    3 - Can't Dr. Rey just give me some freebie lipo and a boob job in exchange for sex?

  • 1. I bought maternity clothes for the first time during this pregnancy and secretly I think I look fabulous in them!

    2. I hate relying on income tax return money but my accountant just stopped in to see was good news and I'm ecstatic to be getting a lot of money back (especially since I'll be on maternity leave soon).

    3. I'm finally getting my jeep registered from my late Uncle's name into mine today and I'm both happy and sad at the same time...

  • 1.  I just got back from a family funeral and feel like taking the morning off to recover from it all.

    2.  I am so ready for a vacation, and we aren't going anywhere until the end of May.

    3.  I am so lucky to have a DS that is so laid back and flexible.  He was awesome the past few days staying with new people, sleeping over at others houses, etc.  

    Big Brother Logan Lilypie Kids Birthday tickers Baby Miles Lilypie Second Birthday tickers Bryan Smith - Freelance Photography Image and video hosting by TinyPic
  • 1. I am ready to trade DS in for a new model.

    2. I am ready to trade DS in for a new model.

    3. I am ready to trade DS in for a new model.

  • 1. we have two showings today **squeeee!!**   

    2. it FINALLY stopped raining!

    3. I have not bought 1 single solitary thing for either Easter baskets and we are going away for the weekend tomorrow.  

    Nathan 7-13-06 ~ Elizabeth 4-12-09 ~ Zachary 8-5-11
  • 1.  My net profit on ebay was $500 for the week..score!

    2.  It is beautiful today in FL aka Sunroof weather.

    3.  I have a $75 gc to Marshalls.  I hope to score a great spring/summer bag.

  • 1. I am so excited about my garden this year. I have some things planted and some things growing inside right now.

    2. If MIL walked in my kitchen right now she would clutch her pearls because I left some dishes in the sink overnight.

    3. I'm pissed DS is off of school all next week for Easter break. I'm pissed because he was just off all LAST week because of teacher training.

    Lilypie Kids Birthday tickers
  • 1. It finally stopped raining, and is actually NICE.  This means I have no desire to sit at my desk today, but have no choice.

    2. DH has been working on his motorcycle every night this week until about midnight.  This makes dd more clingy than usual if that's even possible.  I need a break.

    3. I am going to go to the huge fabric store in Mass tomorrow and spend gobs of money. I haven't spent money in ages!

  • 1. To go along with my rotten morning, I'm developing a nasty headache and the school party is this afternoon.

    2. I had to stop by Walgreens this morning and I bought two chocolate covered egg thingies.....and ate them both before I made it into the office.

    3. Someone has replaced my dear sweet DS2 with a cranky, meltdown-having, psycho 2 year old.

  • 1)  I got drenched this morn because my 14 year old DS rubber-banded down the sprayer nozzle on our kitchen sink for April Fool's.  So when I turnd on the water to wash dishes at 6:45am, I got sprayed!

    2) I am a bit sad today because tomorrow would have been the EDD for the baby boy I m/c :(

     3) I can't wait until DS#2 wakes up from his nap so we can go for a walk.  It's supposed to get up to 70 today- hooray!

  • 1. This is the first Easter we will be on our own...other than my Dad who is supposedly coming. I am not excited

    2. I have bought 2 things for DDs basket and have no clue when I'm going to go shopping

    3. My SILs wedding is next Saturday, I'm stressed and thrilled that it will all be over soon (they've been engaged for 3 years...the planning started 2 days after she got the ring)

  • 1.  Jackson is now climbing out of his crib.  We need to put together his new bed. STAT.  This also means he is not napping.

    2.  THe sun is shining in CT.  We haven't seen it in so long b/c of all the torrential rain.  It is so nice!

    3.  Looking forward to the holiday weekend!

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