
*Ruby is a mean mean mean gurl!*

Out of the mouth of my youngest babe.

The Easter eopisode is on and he is very concerned that Ruday (that b!tch) is taking ALL the eggs!

Mum to Owen and Lucas Daisypath Wedding tickers>

Re: *Ruby is a mean mean mean gurl!*

  • Everyone knows it's silly Max up to his usual tricks! :-P
  • I'd pay to see Ruby and Olivia fight it out! Now that would be good tv. Both of them are so obnoxious and emotionally needy I actually hate them, real or not. DS LOVES Max and Ruby and watches it over and over, so I'm stuck in rubyland!
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  • My DS loves both Max&Ruby and Caillou (that whiney little bastard!)...I'm more of a Little Bear fan myself....Oh, and since my 8 yo neices brought it to my attention, I try to put on iCarly sometimes...

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