Any RI ladies who are doing IVF with a center in RI.. and if you wouldnt mind sharing how you like them.. I'm thinking particularly of W&I in Providence..
IVF - 9/09 - BFN!
IVF #2 - ER 3/16; ET 3/18 with one embryo
Beta 3/30 -- BFN!
IVF #3 - 5/10 - BFN!
IVF #4 - 11/10 - BFP. m/c at 6weeks
FET #1 - 2/11 - BFP. beta on 2/21
Thank you God!
u/s on 3/7 showed TWINS! u/s on 3/11 TWO heartbeats! Couldn't be happier
Re: Any RI ladies doing IVF?