Dallas-Fort Worth Babies

High Chairs

I am in of some advice.  I found a high chair that I absolutely love that is made by carters at Babies r us.  However, the chair costs $140!  I am just wondering if I should invest this much money into a high chair or look for one cheaper.  How long do you really use a high chair?   

Re: High Chairs

  • i use it every day. we bought a chicco one (which is about the same price). i dont regret it at all.
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  • I have the Fisher Price Space Saver high chairs.  They convert into booster chairs as well.  I've been using them since the boys were 8 weeks old (there is an infant recline setting) and we still use them daily.  It will probably be one of the purchase you'll use the most.
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  • We've used ours multiple times per week for the past 16 months.  That makes $140 worth it to me.
  • I have a Peg Perego that I think cost more than that. To me, besides a stroller and car seat, a high chair gets more use than anything else. Worth a good investment. It gets used at least 3x a day for usually a year and a half. 
  • We use ours at least 2x a day. Have since he was around 4 months old. We have the baby trend in orange. We really like it. In my opinion, its like a carseat, pay however much you feel is necessary to get a good product because you will get your dollars worth.
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  • Above posters are right - you'll use it a ton, and you will get your money's worth. If you are dead set on this model but think it's too high, wait for a 20% off coupon (they're giving out the coupon booklets right now when you make a purchase - or I have one you can have).  Buy Buy Baby or Bed Bath & Beyond will also accept the BBB or competitor coupons.
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  • Our table only seats 4 ... so when we have guests over, it was important that DS wasn't taking up one of those 4 chairs.  Because of this, we got a Chicco HC.  Otherwise, we would have gone with just a spacesaver booster.  The Chicco one we have is nice, but its kinda a PITA to clean.  I'm glad its packed away finally (he refusses to eat in it anymore).  We use a booster at the table now. 
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  • We have the FP Rainforrest.  We love it.  I have no idea how much it cost, it was a gift. 

    We use it a couple times a day every day and will use it for the next baby too.  I'd say $140 would be worth getting the one you want.  You will get use out of it.

  • not sure if this is your style, but you can get a wood high chair right now similar to the stokke tripp trapp (the tipp topp) for $109 and free shipping...it converts to a toddler chair for when your baby outgrows the high chair. it comes in a mahogany and natural finish.
  • Thanks for all the advice!  Now I don't feel so bad about putting the high chair in layaway. Big Smile
  • We use our high chairs every day, breakfast, lunch and dinner... and some snacks.  We also use it when we do crafts, play doh, etc.  Its something you will use ALL the time.

    With that said, our high chairs are really booster seats that were $19.95 each by Fisher Price.  I used the bouncer and bumbo for when my kids were starting rice cereal and weren't completely able to sit up for a while, and then once they got really stable, I moved them to the booster seats.  I like ours because they fold up and we can EASILY take them with us to a friend's house for dinner, outside for a messy snack, to our parents houses, etc.  With a full size high chair, its much harder to take it with you and we have taken ours with us probably 100 times in the last 3 years, so that aspect was invaluable.  Plus, they stow away in a closet really easily.  

  • I agree it is something you'll use all the time. We have the $25 Antilop one from Ikea. It is very VERY easy to clean and we love the modern look.
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