
If you think you're done having kids

Do you ever waver on it? Most of the time I feel like I'm totally sure I'm done and then sometimes the idea of a third hits me and I think just maybe we should go for it. My husband would love another, btw, it's me who's 99% sure I'm done.
Nadia Irene 8/13/07 Reid Owen 8/18/09

Re: If you think you're done having kids

  • Nope. I'm done after this, 100%. I'm getting my tubes tied during my repeat c-section.
    Alex (11/14/06) and Nate (5/25/10)
    "Want what you have, do what you can, be who you are." - Rev. Forrest Church
  • We are sure we are done after this one.  I know for sure after how sick I am this pregnancy so far.  I just can't do it again.  We had said we would be done this time anyways though.
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  • I want a third but MH does not.  I do waver but in so much as I think of the reasons we shouldn't have another baby. 
  • We are 100000000000000% done. I remember that we were only going to have one child. That was our agreement when we got married- we both agreed that we wanted one child. Then we got pregnant with twins. (Never did we feel we didn't want the second one by the way- just not what we originally planned). After we had them I said that I would like to experience a "normal" pregnancy and a normal delivery that didn't involve a baby staying in the NICU. But we were still done and not planning on any more. Logan was a complete shock. COMPLETE. And now that we have him I wouldn't trade him in for the world. But we are DONE. DH is having his V on 4/16- our 5 year wedding anniversary ;)
  • I'm not really done by choice, but I'm fairly certain I'm done.  I waver on being at peace with it and wanting to go back to the fertility treatments, but we have no plans for the immediate future to try again.  

    By this time next year, if we haven't had a happy little miracle without any intervention, DH is getting snipped.  

  • imagesummerbrideDC:

    I'm not really done by choice, but I'm fairly certain I'm done.  I waver on being at peace with it and wanting to go back to the fertility treatments, but we have no plans for the immediate future to try again.  

    By this time next year, if we haven't had a happy little miracle without any intervention, DH is getting snipped.  

    This is pretty much my answer exactly.

    Lilypie Kids Birthday tickers
  • Currently what is going on in our household with our 3 1/2 year old I am actually questioning our decision to have a 2nd....jk..sortaWink We are sooooooo done! It's bad enough being pregnant with a 3 year old, let alone having to take care of 2 while being pregnant. Society is built for a family of 4 and for me, 2 is plenty!
    Child #1: 6 yo DD Child #2: 2yo DD
  • I'm done, dh is not. I always said I wanted 2. I have 2, he said 2 possible 3. I am perfectly happy with our family. Dh is too but goes back and forth and still maybe wants a third. . I would be happy if we had more, but I feel complete with our family of 4 now. We won't be doing anything perm. for a few years though, we're still fairly young and I have a Mirena for 4 more years!

    and nay, I said that if I wouldn't have been pg when ds was going through a horrible phase of his, I would have been perfectly happy being one and done!

  • Some days I do, some days I don't. I only have 2 hands, but I think DS would make a GREAT big brother. But when I think about handling three, I feel a bit panicky. If we do have a third, it will be planned for after DD is in kindergarten.
  • I have my tubes tied.  DH was 210% done and while I don't need (or want) another child.  I always said 3 was the number for me.  The thought of no more BFPs, big u/s, L&D etc makes me sad.  

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