
Easter egg hunt overload

Saturday my mom and sister did one for the grandkids. Monday was preschool, today is our church's. Tomorrow she is going to the one at my mom's school and then two more over Easter weekend.

Re: Easter egg hunt overload

  • Boy, that is a lot.  We'll have done three when its all said and done and I was thinking that was too many!

    I'm sure your kids are loving it though!

    DS1 10-06 and DS2 9-08 and baby #3 EDD 9-05-12
  • Us too! we have had 2 breakfasts, 3 hunts this past week/end a skate with the bunny thurs, marshmallow drop fri, lunch and hunt with bunny sat, gymnastics and dinner with bunny sat evening.  OVERLOAD
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  • We have done two so far, DD has one at school tomorrow, DS has one Friday at school and we have 2 Saturday then one Sunday morning. They love it all!
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