The meaning of the name Kasia is PureThe origin of the name Kasia is PolishNotes: Diminutive form of Katarzyna, pronounced "KASH-a" Also an American name rhyming with Asia.
What do you think? Would you prefer KASH-a or the rhyme of Asia pronunciation?
Re: Name of the Day - Kasia
After 7 years trying to concieve, 3 failed IUIs and 2 failed IVFs, my third IVF was a success!
My Christmas baby turned into a turkey bird! Dillon Richard was born at 34 weeks, 5 days on November 28, 2009 after 10 weeks on bedrest for preeclampsia.
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I knew a Katjia and it was pronounced Kash-a. With a long A in the Kash part like a bird (ca--ca--) not A as in apple. Very different. I think if i had to choose i would use the Asia version.
no apologies! I'm just throwing this out there for discussion/inspiration.
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I knew a girl named Kasia, but it was pronounced like Kay-sha. Like it rhymed with Geisha.
I don't like it.