
Latest you worked before birth?

What's the latest you ladies worked, if you worked outside the home?  So far I haven't had any complications, but I've heard that with twins I may go out early for bedrest.  I just want to be realistic about how long I may be able to stay in the office.

Re: Latest you worked before birth?

  • I was at work at 39 weeks 3 days. I work downtown and had my employer get me parking under the building from week 32-36 because I was having contractions from walking in the heat. If I didn't have parking I would have been out at 34 weeks. I quit going to court at 34 weeks too and stayed at my desk.
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  • I started working half at home and half in the office at 28 weeks.  At 32 weeks I worked full time from home.  I was lucky that my job allowed for it so I didn't have to start using my leave.  I could not imagine going to the office everyday after 32 weeks.  I was exhausted all the time.
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  • I was out (on hospital bedrest) at 32 weeks.  I had planned on working up until I delivered, but I was 100% effaced and 1.5cm dilated.  Positive FFN and increased contractions sealed the deal.
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  • I had planned on stopping work at 35 weeks but never made it.  I had my babies at 33w 4d and I was at work that morning.  So I worked until the end.
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  • I am an RN on a very fast paced maternity floor. My doc pulled me out at 27 weeks due to PTL, high BP and tachycardia. I am a much calmer person at home on modified bedrest. I know for a fact that this pregnancy would not have lasted as long as it has if I tried to "tough it out." I get STD at 70% of my pay and I am very happy with my decision to stay off my feet!
  • I went part time at 28 weeks due to a short cervix.   At 31 weeks my cervix shortened even more and stopped working altogether, which was very much needed b/c I was so uncomfortable.  I wasn't on bedrest, but told to stay off my feet as much as possible.  I gave birth at 35.5 weeks.
  • I'm still coming to work every day.

    What constitutes as 'working' has changed, but I'm still at my desk!

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  • imageSoldiersGreenBean:

    I'm still coming to work every day.

    What constitutes as 'working' has changed, but I'm still at my desk!

    HaHaHa. That too. If you are at your desk  working = drinking a milkshake, bumping, and looking busy.

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  • I was taken out at 28.5 weeks.  I was having a LOT of BHs, exhausted and swollen.  I have been on modified bed rest since, taking it easy.  I get 100% paid STD, so I didn't have an issue with leave cutting into my maternity leave and therefore, the decision was easy.  Stopping work when I did was the best decision my doctor and I made.  I would have never made it as far as I did (I'm now over 37 weeks pg) if I worked longer...I just know it. 
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  • I had a very easy pregnancy (both for a singleton and a twin pregnancy) and I worked up to the Friday before the girls were born (they were born the day after labor day so technically I worked the whole time)
  • My goal is 32 weeks - I'm trying to be realistic. I dropped to 30 hours per week at 20 weeks because I felt like I was so tired from working all day that I was unable to get anything done at home and was pretty much confined to the couch when I got home every day.
  • i worked in the office every day until 28 weeks, and until 32 weeks, i went in 2-3 times a week. at 32 weeks, i was admitted to the hospital.
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  • I worked until the Friday before I was induced- 37w2d
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  • imageMoMandA:
    I was at work at 39 weeks 3 days. I work downtown and had my employer get me parking under the building from week 32-36 because I was having contractions from walking in the heat. If I didn't have parking I would have been out at 34 weeks. I quit going to court at 34 weeks too and stayed at my desk.

    This is so good to hear.  I keep hoping I can do the same.  Actually, our work place and situation sounds very similar.  I am worried about court too and hoping that I can get in on the underground parking later on.  Any chance you were in Harrisburg?  haha.  Trying to figure out how to "plan" for maternity leave is driving me crazy.  I'm not used to be unable to schedule something for a firm date.

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