North Carolina Babies

Tips for Camping with a Toddler

So my inlaws decided to go camping Thursday and Friday nite at Jordan Lake and we are going to join them. Well my stepson and DS and I thursday nite and then DH will come down friday morning cuz he has class thursday nite. We have 2 tents so hopefully that will help out and DS likes to sleep in our bed sometimes so that should make it easier to get him to sleep in a sleeping bag. But I know a few of you have been camping with toddlers and wanted to get any tips or suggestions u may have. Its gonna be like 80 degrees during the day...I hate to put him in pants but the whole tick thing makes me nervous too!
imageLilypie Third Birthday tickers

Re: Tips for Camping with a Toddler

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    We went with Caleb when he was about 7 months old, it wasn't bad at all. He actually slept in his PNP because our tent was HUGE! He wasn't really mobile yet, but was crawling a little. We kept some toys in our tent, fed him in his stroller (with a tray), and brought a little tub to bathe him in the site.

    I bought a bug repellent that was a patch - I think I've seen bracelet ones too. I'm not sure they work for ticks. I'm sure if you check him carefully every night/morning for ticks he would be fine. I would definitely let Caleb wear shorts.

    Have fun! I want to go camping!

    image Caleb is 3! 101 in 1001
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