Baby Names

Added middle names to my list...


WDYT? If you have better mn suggestions that flow better, please let me know;)

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Re: Added middle names to my list...

  • I voted! My favorites are:

    Boy - Everett Blake, Caleb Jackson and Gavin Reed
    Girl - Emerson Grace, Avery Nicole and Sophia Lynn

    My favorite first names would be Caleb and Sophia, but I would like them better paired with other middle names. They were both on my list and some of my favorites were:

    Caleb Andrew
    Caleb David
    Caleb Patrick
    Caleb Alexander

    Sophia Claire
    Sophia Elizabeth
    Sophia Faith
    Sophia Kate
    Sophia Lauren

    Image and video hosting by TinyPic
    Logan David 03.27.08
    Jacob Riley 05.18.09
    {Member since 2007}
  • I recently just posted about Emerson for a girl. It is #1 on our list ever since i saw it last night. I think Emerson Grace is beautiful.
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