Yep, today is 5dp5dt and the stick said 'Pregnant'! Beta is scheduled for Friday, so I'm just going to enjoy being 'Pregnant' with no quantitative judgments for a few days
That's fantastic!!! Enjoy every minute of the BFP and H & H for the next 9 months. Yea DE's!!!
3 IUI's and 2 IVF's later- Brady arrived. Born at 36 weeks after PUPPS and pre-e/HELLP.
IUI- BFN IVF #1 -BFP! Allie is our 2nd IVF baby. Born at 36 1/2 weeks after pre-e again
I am SO, SO, SO happy for you! Congratulations!!!!!!
1 ectopic 3 m/c's prior to 5/05
Un-freaking-explained IF
5/05 IVF, BFN
9/05 FET 3d5e, BFP = Beautiful Baby Girl (lucky pg #5)
8/08 Fet 3d5e, cp
12/08 IVF with PGD, transfer 3, BFN
5/09 FET transfer 4, BFN
Hail Mary IUI with Follistim 9/11 BFP; 9/22 confirmed tubal/MTX
4/10 FET 3d5e, BFP!!!! m/c 5/26/10
1 year break and yet another m/c 5/11
FET #5 initial beat 121, second beta 7
Lap and removal of L tube and very mild endo 7/11
Suprise BFP 12/11 & m/c @ 8 wks.
After 11 losses and one beautiful miracle our journey is over, we are thankful and at peace.
BFP on 07/18/08. Miscarriage 07/30/08. BFP 3/25/09. Confirmed second miscarriage, no heartbeat, no growth beyond 7 weeks, 5/19/09. TTC again, on baby aspirin, due to value of 23 on Anticardiolipin Antibodies. BFP 11/15/09. Brown spotting, Beta 3735 11/25/09, Beta 5602 11/28/09. Anticardiolipin Antibodies now negative, still on baby asprin. On 100 mg of Prometrium (progesterone) until 10 weeks. Good heartbeat at 1st appt. 12/16/09. Started taking fish oil. Perigestational hemorrhage and red bleeding 12/17/09. 2nd Ultrasound-8 weeks, still a heartbeat 12/17/09. Baby measured 9 weeks, still a heartbeat 12/23/09. Good NT Scan on 1/8/10, heartbeat 164. EDD 7/28/10. TEAM BLUE! Aidan Thomas born on May 26, 2010.
Baby #2, BFP 11/27/11, EDD 6/5/12. TEAM PINK! Noelle Elizabeth born 4/30/12.
Blessing from God, Blessing from God, Blessing from God, Blessing from God.
I give up trying to get a ticker. I have a DD that is 2.5 years old and is awesome. Maybe I'll add a quote to distinguish myself. Hmmm. How about...
"It is more fun to talk with someone who doesn't use long, difficult words but rather short, easy words like "What about lunch?" - A.A. Milne, Winnie-the-Pooh
This is great news! Congrats on the BFP and enjoy every minute of it--looking forward to hearing those beta numbers. Would they do an earlier beta if you called and told them you got a positive hpt?
TTC #1 Cycle #18
m/c Jan. 9, 2007,
chemical pg May 4, 2007,
methotrexate shot Oct. 5, 2007--m/c Oct. 9, 2007,
IUI Nov. 17, 2007 It worked! beta 11/30 & 12/6
TTC #2
Cycle #5
IUI July 20, 2009 -BFN 8-3-09
Cycle #6
IUI August 17, 2009-BFP! 8-31-09, beta 9-1-09, 9-8-09, saw the H/B 9-22-09
EDD 5-10-10
YAY for donor eggs!!!! Hope your beta comes back nice and strong. I'm so happy for you!
TTC since 12/2007
3 failed IVFs
DE cycle #1: BFP then D&E at 12 weeks due to neural tube defect
DE cycle #2: Chemical
Lining issues, pursuing adoption
I am so happy for you! A million congratulations....and enjoy every minute!!!
Me 43, DH 49 Married November 3, 2007
TTC #1 since November 2007
First RE appointment May 13, HSG 5/17- tubes are clear, SA - very good, FSH 6.8,
rubella immunity, saline sonogram 7/2 - uterine polyps, hysteroscopy date FINALLY 9/4! Blood pressure and thyroid are under control! Come on BFP!!!!
My Blog
IUI#1 1/14 , AF=BFN 1/28, IUI #2 3/9, AF=BFN 3/20
Cycle 20 IVF #1 = BFP!!! Beta #1- 196 Beta #2- 784
Egg retrieval 5/1 - 11 eggs! Update 5/2 - 9 mature, 7 fertilized!
Embryo transfer 5/6 - transferred 2 beautiful blasts and have one snowbaby
Induction scheduled for 01/11/10 - 38 weeks, 1 day
April 3, 2012 FET with snowbaby (identical twins) BFN and a big broken heart
Moving on to DE
8/2012-Donor chosen! 9/2012-12/2012-Donor passed all testing, off BC pills, waiting to complete 2 full cycles. 12/16/2012-cannot move forward with donor, cycles not regulating. 12/17-New proven donor 1/11- started Lupron on our baby boy's 3rd birthday
Re: Looks like a DE BFP!! :)
Oh my gosh! I just gasped in front of my students (they are taking a test)!
I'm soooo happy for you!!! Congratulations on your BFP!!!!
Best of luck and keep us posted!!!
IUI- BFN IVF #1 -BFP! Allie is our 2nd IVF baby. Born at 36 1/2 weeks after pre-e again
I'm so thrilled this is finally happening for you.........I bet you feel like jumping up and down like a teenager!!
Can't wait to hear the beta results!!
Oh my gosh, this is the BEST BEST news!
I am so happy for you!!!!!
:::Dances all around, sprinkling sticky, happy, healthy baby and glowing pregnancy dust!!:::
Enjoy every minute of this pregnancy!!!!
You guys are so sweet! Thanks everyone! Yes I am giddy!
My Blog

That is sooo exciting! So happy for you! Fingers crossed for that beta!
What amazing news! Congratulations
IUI #1: December 2008 - BFN
IVF #1: Microdose Lupron - July 2009; only got 1 egg; BFN
IVF #2: Natural IVF - Sept 2009; BFP!; D&C Nov. 2009
IVF #3: Natural IVF - ER: Feb 4, 2010 - 1 "M2" egg retrieved; ET: Feb 9; Beta#1 (19dpo): 2567; Beta #2: 6933; BFP w/ singleton w/strong hrtbt! DS born October 2010
IVF #4: Natural IVF - ER: Nov. 20, 2011; ET: Nov. 25, 2011; BFP! Beta#1 (19dpo): 1918; Saw hrtbt on 12/28/11!
Congratulations!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Jumping up and down for you right now.
What a wonderful wonderful day!
Wonderful news! Congratulations
Wooooooooooohooooooooooooo!!! This makes me so happy! Congratulations!!
This is awesome!!!!
I'm so happy for you!!
:::stick baby, stick!:::
Congratulations! GL on Friday!