If you have problems getting your baby to take it, try mixing it partially with pedialyte. So far it has helped my daughter! I've mixed 2 oz water, 2 oz pedialyte to make a 4 oz bottle.
I think the stuff smells and tastes exactly like my DH's old sweaty gym socks. The boys refused to eat it but then they went on feeding tubes so it was never an issue.
To me it smells like Elmer's glue...from a distance. I try to avoid getting any good whiffs of it. It doesn't smell any worse than Alimentum. That stuff was nassss-tay.
Thanks for the tip. My DS won't touch the Elecare. He fights it for all he's worth! Right now he is back on BM but if we need to go back o nthe formula that will be handy to try!
Doesn't that mess with the calorie content? We aren't on Elecare, just curious.
Only if you are adding the Pedialyte to the already mixed formula. If you make the formula with pedialyte instead of water (or half the water required and half pedialyet or whatever combo you want) then it should maintain the calorie count. You can call the company on the 1-800 # to verify that you are mixing it appropriately.
I think the stuff smells and tastes exactly like my DH's old sweaty gym socks. The boys refused to eat it but then they went on feeding tubes so it was never an issue.
I can't stand the smell either. Vanilla EleCare-- I used to love vanilla, but now if I go the rest of my life and I never have to smell vanilla I'll be ok with that. I walk in my house and I can smell that f-ing formula.
Re: Tip for those who feed Elecare
Only if you are adding the Pedialyte to the already mixed formula. If you make the formula with pedialyte instead of water (or half the water required and half pedialyet or whatever combo you want) then it should maintain the calorie count. You can call the company on the 1-800 # to verify that you are mixing it appropriately.
I can't stand the smell either. Vanilla EleCare-- I used to love vanilla, but now if I go the rest of my life and I never have to smell vanilla I'll be ok with that. I walk in my house and I can smell that f-ing formula.