We're going to talk to the nutritionist on Wednesday at a growth and development follow up appointment, but I'm curious what your experiences are.
It was suggested to us that even though we're home and feeding on an ad lib schedule, not to let Hunter go longer than four hours between feeds. During the day, he wakes anywhere from 2-4 hours after each feed, so I never have to wake him. At night, it's usually 3-4 hours, but last night, I had to wake him at the 4 hour mark.
He's gaining weight wonderfully.. I'm wondering if we can stretch his sleep periods at night and see if he adjusts for it during the day? I've read term baby mamas don't wake to feed at night, but obviously preemies are always a different story.
Thanks in advance
Re: When can I let him sleep?
We never woke her up to feed, but she has never had problems putting on weight. When she came home, she was putting on almost a pound a week with feeding on demand.. we also never had problems with reflux.
I would say go for it. We keep track of how much she eats a day, but not when she eats. HTH some.
I can't remember exactly when we stopped, but I do remember the reasons. Evan just got to the point that he really needed that sleep, and trying to wake him resulted in poorer eating all around. He wouldn't eat well when we were trying to rouse him and the next feeding wouldn't be all that great either. If we just let him get the sleep he was seeming to need, he's eat SO much better when he did wake up. I remember waking him up every 3 hours for a while though....I wanna say 2-3 weeks at least, but honestly I can't remember anymore.
Thanks for your replies! I didn't set the alarm last night, and he woke up at 4.5 hours, so I'm not going to complain about a half hour.
He hasn't had any weight gain issues, so I'm hoping the growth and development people are okay with this.