We bought the test together on Friday night and planned to do it first thing Saturday morning. He was sitting on the couch in the living room while I did it, and when I came out he said, "What's your gut feeling?" I told him, "Since a bold, blue plus sign showed up immediately, my gut says it's positive."
It was NYE about 10 minutes before the countdown to midnight. I POAS, saw two pink lines, scrambled to get a Big Sis tee on our toddler, hugged her close so he couldn't see. Counted down, yelled Happy NY and showed him the our girl's new shirt.
I took the test, saw it turn positive, ran outside to grab DH and shoved him into the bathroom to look at it. He turned to me and said very casually, "I knew it." Then gave me a big hug and burst out laughing!
When he came home from work I asked him if he could see 2 lines, because I thought I was hallucinating. He asked me what that meant? ( he knew, he just couldn't believe what he was seeing) I told him it meant that I guess I wouldn't be drinking at the hockey game that weekend.
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DH was about to enter the subway and his phone kept cutting in and out. I had just got the "congrats, you're pg!" phone call from our RE, and I couldn't wait to tell DH. I was so choked up--DH auto took my tears as that the IVF hadn't worked---he started saying something like "it's ok...it just wasn't meant to be..." I was like "OMG, we're PG!!" He was laughing and saying OMG/ Holy S!!t. Our cells got cut out.... We continued with our screaming and OMG when he got off the subway and came home! I'll never forget that day!
It was very early on Christmas Day (like 4 in the morning). I woke up and had to use the bathroom and decided to go ahead and take a test at that time. My husband was on his way home from work, and when he walked through the door, I ran downstairs like a mad woman and handed him the test. He was very thrilled, and it was a great start to our first Christmas as a married couple!
I woke up in the morning, took the test, took a minute for myself (it was a lot to take in- we weren't "trying to get pregnant" we were just "not trying to not get pregnant" and it happend on the first night- LOL), and then I went into our room where he was sleeping and woke him up and showed him the stick. He was all bleary eyed and coulnd't read it! LOL
I was about to graduate from a masters program. My aunt was going to be staying with us for 3 days. We had been trying for 25 cycle. I told him that if I didnt test before they got here I wasnt testing til after they left. He told me to test before. I woke up really early because I had to pee. So I took the test set it on the counter and climbed in bed without looking (after 25 cycles I knew I had seen enough -s not to want to look). When I climbed in bed he asked me the results. I told him if he wanted to know he could go look I was going back to sleep. He came back and said I think there are 2 lines. I didnt believe him so I made him turn on the light and bring me the test. I didnt get to tell DH he got to tell me.
The first time DH was right there waiting outside in our bedroom while I tested. We were both so excited. This time, however, was completely different. We decided to begin trying and then when it came close,I POAS and it came back neg. I waited another couple of days-neg. Waited a few more days-neg again and so we were just thinking it didn't work. I was so upset.I felt like my period was going to begin any day and so I decided to try again-neg. I was about to give up and then I couldn't help myself. I bought the digital (which I never do) and did it right before I hopped in the shower. I kept peeking out and it kept showing the timer thing. Finally when I got out, it was still going...longest wait ever! So finally, I got dressed and checked again...POS.! I couldn't believe it. So, I told DH that I wanted to dress DS since he had been staying home with him and I hadn't got to pick out his outfits in a few days. So I grabbed a white onesie and a permanent marker and wrote "Big Brother" on the shirt. I dressed DS and we came out of his room with him facing me so that DH couldn't see...he was busy in the kitchen. So, I asked him if he wanted to play with DS with the little house we have and he said yes. So, I put DS on one side of the door and rang the doorbell to the little house. DH came over and opened up the door and then said something to him and closed it. Then he paused, opened the door up again and said "What's this????" he goes "let me read that.....omg! really!?!?!" I said yes! I can't believe it myself...he made me retest the next morning to be sure! It was quite a surprise! (sorry so long)
We had been trying for a few years due to IF issues on my end and two deployments on his end. When he came home from his latest deployment we made one more appt with the fertility doc and I requested an IUI with fresh semen this time even though the doc said it wasn't necessary. Well a few weeks went by and he had to leave again to virginia for 5 months. the night he left I peed on a stick and broke down sobbing when I saw two lines. I peed on 5 more sticks that week. Friday he came home for a visit and I handed him a wrapped box saying I had a surprise for him. He opened it and inside was the first positive test and a onesie that said "I love Daddy". It took him a few seconds and then he was like "YOU'RE PREGNANT?!?!" All he could say for most of the night was "Wow!" I told my parents a similar way...after 12 weeks but with two onesies and two sonogram pics
Re: How did you tell your dh you are pregnant?
Since I sent him into the bathroom to look at the stick, he pretty much told me with a giant smile when he opened the door.
I always tested with him since I couldn't imagine that moment without him.
I shoved the pee stick in his face and said "Do you see what I see?"
We bought the test together on Friday night and planned to do it first thing Saturday morning. He was sitting on the couch in the living room while I did it, and when I came out he said, "What's your gut feeling?" I told him, "Since a bold, blue plus sign showed up immediately, my gut says it's positive."