
Anyone ever organize a Vendor Night?

I don't exactly know how it happened, but I am knee deep in putting one together as a fundraiser for my 3 Day walk.  I'm actually REALLY excited about it, but having never done one before, I'm sort of floundering.

My question right NOW (as there will be more forthcoming, I am quite sure) is this: I want to have food for people there, and I know I can get it donated by local restaurants.  HOWEVER, I am unsure as to whether to a) keep the food free for shoppers and charge a nominal entrance fee at the door--all to to go to the cause, of course OR b) have no entrace fee, but have people pay for the food (I would organize it like a "Taste of the Town" so that people would pay me for the food and get tix, then I'd give half the proceeds to the restaurants and the rest back to the cause).

I'm not sure I did a good job explaining those, but I don't want this to get too long.  Hopefully I gave enough information to be clear-ish!

Thoughts?  THANKS!!


Re: Anyone ever organize a Vendor Night?

  • I would say the fee to get in, then you would be getting money from everyone.  Or, figure out how much you would charge to get in, vs. how much you would charge for the food tickets and see what makes more sense.  I would rather pay to get in and have free food
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