We need some excitement.
1. If some of your husbands are as doucheholio as you make them out to be here, I wonder why on earth you stay married to them, much less continue to procreate with them.
2. When I get pregnant, I want twins. I want twin girls. The H has informed me that I would have to give up my car. That is fine. Just don't ask me to touch my yarn stash. Car? Yes. Yarn? No.
3. I am lying in my bed, in my pjs. My child is at school. My husband is at work. I am giddy. I took a few days off of work, mental health break/vacation days what have you.
Re: Flamefull Friday Confessions, it's boring in here bitches.
I was just going to post the same thing. It's rainy here, the kids are watching a movie and I'm bored.
I'll have to think about my confession......huhm....
Kelly Monaghan's 5K - 5/15/11 - 3rd Place in AG
Walk the Talk 5K - 5/18/11 - 31:12 PR
Ridley Run 3.1 - 4/14/12 - 1st race of the year, 32:45
Jackson's eating saltine crackers right now while watching Diego. I'm laying on the couch with a heating pad, b/c my back is f*cked up again.
I don't even feel bad about how sh*tty my parenting is today.
Oh and a facebook friend keeps posting about how a real estate deal isn't going through, and I think it's funny, even though it's bad for them. I'm a horrible person.
Okay, I've got one but it's kind of lame.
I judge my brother and SIL and how they are raising my nephew. Nothing major like abuse or anything like that, but the kid eats all kinds of crap, they give him soda and full strength juice and they turned him forward facing at only 10mths old. I blame it in part on the fact that my SIL just isn't that smart. I love her to death, but the truth is, she is just not very educated. I try to nicely tell them that they are making poor choices, but my brother is a stubborn arse and won't listen, so I don't say anything anymore and just sit back and judge them.
Kelly Monaghan's 5K - 5/15/11 - 3rd Place in AG
Walk the Talk 5K - 5/18/11 - 31:12 PR
Ridley Run 3.1 - 4/14/12 - 1st race of the year, 32:45
#1 to infinity.
1. I hope DD isn't sick because I don't want to clean it up. The mere thought of cleaning up barf at 39w makes me want to dry heave. And I can't imagine being sick and in labor. (of course, I don't want DD to be sick cuz i love her, duh).
2. I want to cherish these last few days of just us with DD, but I've also been relishing my me time. I sent her to daycare earlier this week because I could.
3. I want a whole new wardrobe after this kid is born. DH is a miser, and if he knew I've been squirling away new fat clothes for in between mat cloths and my normal clothes, he'd be a little miffed. He'll feel better when he sees the new thong undies.
4. I bought my PP grannie panties. I wouldn't let DH see them because they are fuckingginormous.
Christmas 2011
I'm really not upset that I got laid off. I hated my boss. She was a vindictive, catty, miserable, prejudiced, judgy cow. In fact, I'm actually quite enjoying the prospect of collecting unemployment -- turns out that without paying for daycare, I'd actually be making MORE not working. However, the two things that bum me out about not having a job/regular income are:
-now we have to wait to TTC #3. I may not go back to work at all, but we need to get some things in line before we make any decisions, including having a third.
-taking regular, frivolous shopping trips to Target.
Also, as a s/o to the above, I was really, really disappointed when I started my period yesterday. I was 2.5 weeks late and was really beginning to get excited about the prospect that I may be pregnant.
I'm unreasonably angry right now. We just met with the local elementary school about getting DS evaluated and we won't get to meet to hear the results until the end of May. Which I KNEW was going to happen, but the special ed coordinator at DS's daycare was positive they would evaluate him by mid-March (which obviously didn't happen). IDK why I'm so pissed because I knew this was going to happen, but I'm disappointed nonetheless. Oh, and they likely won't start his services if he qualifies for them until the fall. Fvck.
AND, to top it all off, our DVR is fvcking with me in a big way. It isn't recording my programs. So I missed ANTM and Project Runway and I am so livid about it I could scream. Which is absolutely ridiculous. Who gets that upset about television shows?
I need a hobby. Seriously.
Alex (11/14/06) and Nate (5/25/10)
"Want what you have, do what you can, be who you are." - Rev. Forrest Church
HELLO. Missing PR is worthy of a full scale meltdown. It was the first thing I programmed into our new DVR. which I hate; I need my Tivo back.
Christmas 2011
You should have heard me cussing when I figured it out. I miss Tivo. I hate this stupid effing DVR.
Alex (11/14/06) and Nate (5/25/10)
"Want what you have, do what you can, be who you are." - Rev. Forrest Church
1. I don't know what my girls are doing. No, I think they're coloring. I basically told them they could do whatever they wanted so I could pack/work/etc to get ready for our trip. The TV will be on all day today and I don't care what they watch.
2. My girls have been spending a lot of time alone outside. I go out and check on them from time to time and usually am in the kitchen/living room where I can see them if I look up, but not always. We do have a fenced backyard and I make DD#2 come in if DD#1 comes in b/c I don't like her out alone, but sometimes DD#1 is outside alone for ages b/c DD#2 comes in to snuggle with me or something.
You take my ovaries, I take your yarns.
I just finally threw mine away and DS is 20 months. I thought DH was going to throw a party. I've lost 60lbs and put my new one's up against my old one's to see how ginormous they really were. Wow!
My baby girl turns 1 today and is very sick. I'm sad about both accounts and slightly hope that we can cancel her bday party tomorrow because I absolutely loathe entertaining at my home....like it makes my pits sweat! Valium is my BFF right now.
And wonderful husbands that have streaks of assholioness to them are hard to separate yourself from.
I work from home on fridays and I am bouncing in and out of my work as I am bored with what I have to do. So I am blog-hopping - which is what I seem to do alot. Obsessed I'll tell you.
MH is upstairs with Colin (E is at preschool) and he is sex-texting me on my cell phone
I just went BSC on MH over milk. Totally lost it. Now I'm going to have to apologize and I don't want to because I think he was lazy and inconsiderate.
Oh man, this happened to me this week, and I was pissed. Although, the show that didn't get recorded was 16 and pregnant. LOL! It will only replay 20 times.
1. I sent both my kids to school today in clothes that I am sure would get a big old eye roll. DD's pants are way too short, but since she has grown 6 inches in 5 months most of them are. She really only has two pairs of pants that are long enough and I refuse to buy more because it is almost summer. Her pants are so short you could call them capris although track suit pants can't ever be pulled off that way. And it is 50 degrees here and I sent DS to MDO in shorts because it a new cute outfit and he has pictures today.
2. Both my kids are in MDO today and I am nesting, I should be cleaning but I don't care. Oh and both will be in MDO two days a week next year and I can't wait to have two days by myself!
3. I agree with bubbly on the douchy (my made up word) husbands, why in the hell do people have children with these men?
4. I have lost 5 pounds in a week and am hoping to loose another 5 by next week so I will look damn hot when DH and I go to Jamaica a week from Sunday. I know it is not healthy but I don't care because I am finally down to my pre-jack weight and want to get down to my pre-emma.
Kelly Monaghan's 5K - 5/15/11 - 3rd Place in AG
Walk the Talk 5K - 5/18/11 - 31:12 PR
Ridley Run 3.1 - 4/14/12 - 1st race of the year, 32:45
I want to throat punch the girl that is selling her size 4 HB Pearl for $90 on ebay. You have/had 4 of them. You are an _ass..with a big hole.....
FLAME ME _bitches I don't care about supply and demand. If you got something 50% off and bought 4 of them in each size so you could mark them up.. you are an _ass.....
This isn't some Janie & Jack sale section that is replenished every week skank. If you need this money to feed your children then you shouldn't be buying them clothes that expensive to begin with. Target is fab..just say'in
phew I feel better.
WTH is a HB Pearl?
matilda jane pearl dress..
yes it is only a stupid dress.. i know.
*** I wanted that freaking dress and it was out in E's size I hate when people do that.
I KNOW!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I really fee like the people that do that with these small sewing house lines are _ASSHOLES.. There should be a loyalty thing with these customers.. it isn't some sweatshop in Peru making these (yes they are made in peru but under better conditions).. Also a limited amount of purchases per item.
I totally agree with you. Just so you know I am about to buy some sweetiebird in bulk and mark that *** up:)
Pssst, its called SEXTING! lol!
A close friend of mine is married to one of these douchenozzle men. Individually they are both great people but for some reason they bring out the bsc in each other and more often than not shiz is going down with them. So what was the most logical thing to do after marrying him 8 very rocky years into the relationship...obviously it was to get knocked up about four seconds after saying 'I do'. Their son is now 3 months old and adorable and perfect and I hate them for it.
I am the same way. I missed a couple of show one week. I was ready to cancel with the cable company. If there is a conflict it won't record anything. We have a DVR and TIVO...that is how bad my addiction is.
I am the same way. I missed a couple of show one week. I was ready to cancel with the cable company. If there is a conflict it won't record anything. We have a DVR and TIVO...that is how bad my addiction is.
ATNM is usually replayed on Friday nights so watch for it tonight!!