
So nervous..

I am going for an u/s on Monday for the big reveal!  I am just worried that I am going to get there and not find healthy babies.  I haven't had any problems so far: no cramping, bleeding, or any other strange happenings.  All my bloodwork has come back great.  I haven't felt any movement yet, but I know it is still kind of early. 

Any one else experience this feeling?  I don't remember feeling like this with DS. 

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Re: So nervous..

  • I get nervous every time I go to the dr!   Of course, this is my first pregnancy, but I too haven't had a single problem so far.  It's somewhat silly, but I know in my case the doctors scared me in the beginning with all the talk about how there's higher risk with multiples.  It also doesn't help that I don't have any reference points in my life (other than this board!) to understand that multiples, while different, can go just as smoothly as a "normal" pregnacy.  I'm also pregnant with mo/di identicals, so there could be a chance for additional issues with them (but nothing has come up yet).  The whole increased risk of c-section is another reason to worry, plus pre-term labor (which is what they're now starting to tell me I need to plan for by cutting back work hours). 

    So you are not alone!  :-)

  • I think with a multiples pregnancy, just knowing it's automatically high risk and talking to other MoMs and hearing stories of what can go wrong, it can be harder not to worry. (This was my first pregnancy and I had no complications, but I was definitely a little anxious before the anatomy scan.)

    Hope all goes well; keep us posted! Things do sound promising.

    fraternal twin boys born january 2009
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  • Totally understandable. I didn't feel pregnant at all at that point. I wasn't showing, felt great, couldn't feel them moving, etc. That was probably the hardest part of my entire pregnancy. But in a few weeks things will change and you will feel a lot more reassured, I'll bet. :)

    Good luck on Monday!

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  • Carolyn, if it makes you feel better, I made it to my scheduled induction at 37w6d and had no serious complications throughout pregnancy. No NICU time, I even got to hold Baby A while delivering Baby B, etc. There was one little scare at my anatomy scan--"spots" on Baby B's heart--but he was sent for a fetal echocardiogram and it turned out to be nothing. Both boys are totally healthy now. :) So while the risks are real, there really are multiple pregnancies with good outcomes as well!
    fraternal twin boys born january 2009
  • Every time I go to the doctor I always get a sigh of relief when I see both hearts beating strong and they are both moving.  It's such a relief to see them everytime, I get two u/s a month, one from the OB and one from the peri, it's just reasurring!

    GL on the big u/s!!

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  • I'm nervous everytime i go.  I need to schedule my big u/s.  I've just been so sick...Ick! puking so many times a day....and that makes me worried about the LOs.  saw them monday and they were moving around, and that made me feel better.

    This is my first successful pregnancy.  and i'm nervous a lot as I have had miscarriages.

    TTC for 12 years. m/c 2009. BFP on New Year's 2010. Lilypie Second Birthday tickers
  • Thank you so much ladies!  I know have no real reason to be nervous, but I just worry.  I think it is the whole high-risk multiples thing.  Even my H keeps saying things like maybe we should hold off on buying 2 of things in case something happens.  Seeing posts of people losing their LO's scares me and makes me even more nervous.  I can't wait to feel them move!
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  • I feel the exact same way! I am way more nervous this time around that I was for DD. And so much more cautious about everything.
    Lilypie Third Birthday tickers Pregnancy Ticker
  • I felt this way EXACTLY - and it was definitely more anxiety than with DS. Try to visualize healthy babies and calm scenes until then, and I hope it all goes great.

    Once I got a good report at the big u/s, subsequent visits have been much easier - esp once I started feeling regular movement. 

  • I totally understand EVERY SINGLE feeling you are having.  I'm 26 weeks and i feel them daily, but there are days where sometimes they don't move and kick as much as others, and i freak out!!!  And 9 times out of 10 they are probably just sleeping...and i want to just shake my belly and wake them up (obviously i don't), but that doesn't mean that i don't want to!! LOL!!  One thing that has helped me is having my doppler handy, so if i get nervous, i will just find their heartbeats.  I'm very thankful i haven't had any issues thus far, but i still freak out.  I'm sure everything will go perfectly for you, and just try to stay calm, i know how hard it is!!!
    BabyFetus Ticker Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker
  • I am way more nervous this time around than with my first pregnancy.  Good luck on monday.
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