Saw my OB today for the LAST time before my scheduled c/s (a week from tomorrow). Amazingly, my cervix is still long and closed. No sign of labor, but as always, she warned me that I can go at any time even though she thinks I can make it to the c/s date.
In addition, as it has been since the beginning, I have two VERY active little boys that just won't sit still even this late in the game. They are now both transverse (compare to last Thursday, A was vertex, B was breech; last Friday, A was breech, B was vertex). OB said that with such active babies they recommend c/s even with singletons or else they have to anchor the baby to keep it from moving during delivery. So now I don't feel so bad that a c/s is in my very near future.
Re: 36w3d Appointment Update
awww yay for active little boys! They must be having a blast in there.. what are you eating?? LOL!