Hello everyone! I havent been on thebump in awhile, but posted on this board a few times about a year ago
I am 38, and we are going into our third IUI this month. DH had a Vasectomy Reversal last year (it was 11 years out from the V) ...counts/morph/motility are not very good, but at least there is some sperm. We decided to just give the IUI's a try, just in case! I have a feeling that IVF with ICSI will be next for us.
We are starting acupuncture soon. Not sure what to expect!
Wishing everyone lots of luck and baby dust!!
Re: re-introducing myself :)
thank you!
i spoke a little too soon, my third IUI was canceled today, we are on a doc recommended break this month to have the cysts and empty follicles go away...?
Bummer on the break I've been on one too this cycle.
I just wanted to let you know that acupuncture works wonders. I used it to help conceive my DD and it also helped with nausea during the first tri.
GL and welcome back.
Thanks JilliansMoma! Im sorry about your break too! Im very excited about the acupuncture
Can you tell me where they put the needles? I just want to be prepared!
I got a call late last night that they want to start me on estrace to shrink the cysts/follicles. The meds never end lol.