

Hi!  I'm sorry to bother you, but wanted to ask you a question.  I was googling symptoms after coming off of progesterone supplmnts and found this thread of yours:

 My OB told me I could stop them at 11 weeks, so yesterday was the first day I didn't use one.  I started having some cramping yesterday afternoon and it has kind of come and gone since then.  I am not having any bleeding.  I was wondering if you ever got an answer from your dr's office on if this is normal when coming off the progesterone. 

Thank you!!!!

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Re: **srh08.05.06**

  • Hi there - I did call my OB's office and they told me that the cramping was probably just stretching (and not related to stopping the progesterone).  I was feeling a little skeptical about it because although I love my OB, the nurses there aren't always the most helpful.  Even though I had graduated from my RE by then, I called them anyway to get a second opinion.  They didn't seem concerned at all either, so I just figured it must be normal.  I can't remember how long it lasted, but I probably had cramping for a few days and then felt much better.  I never did have any spotting or bleeding.  I feel like I may have seen a post since then where someone complained about cramping after stopping as well, so this may be somewhat common.

    Good luck - I hope the cramping stops soon.  The fact that you're not bleeding is good and both my OB and RE promised me the placenta takes over by then so progesterone is not necessary.

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  • Thank you so much for the response!!  I'm not feeling them as much today, so hopefully they will taper off.  I know mild cramping is normal and usually just means stretching. It's hard not to worry, even though this is my second time around!!  I just thought it was interesting that they showed up when I stopped the supplmnts. 

    GL w/ the twins!!!

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