
If you drive a SUV. . .

tell me about it.  I'm thinking of switching from my little car to a smaller SUV before this baby.  However, do SUVs really have more room?  I don't want one of the huge ones.  Sometimes to me, the mid-sized ones just look like a car raised up higher off the ground.  KWIM?  Is there more leg room?  storage?  What do you like about yours?  Why do you prefer it to a car?  Thanks!

Re: If you drive a SUV. . .

  • I have driven everything under the sun. From a beater Ford Escort to a Licoln Navigator to a Dodge Ram 2500 Super Duty.

    I am currently driving my favorite car evah- I have a For Edge. It's perfect for me and the fam. I commute about 35 min to work everyday and it's very comfortable. Not too big (like the Nav and the Ram) and not too small (like the Taurus, escort and Jeep liberty I have had).

    I love the room in the back for stollers AND groceries!

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  • As SUV I have had a Chevy Trailblazer-loved it, Jeep Wrangler-loved it horrible for kids, and right now I drive a Ford Explorer-Love it again.

    The room in the back is a huge seller for me. I can fit groceries, strollers, big items from stores (like a grill:). To me the leg room in the font seat is not a huge difference, but in the back there is. I will never drive a car again, I love being higher up off the ground, and can't stand driving DH's car now compared to my SUV.

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  • Right now I have a Volvo XC90 which is probably too big but we just turned in our lease on our Nissan Murano and it was awesome!!  SO much space for adults in the front and back seats!  Our car seats fit great in there and there was a lot of room in the back.  I'm not sure it had TONS more space that a car but I liked being higher up and even the tallest of my family was comfortable riding with us. 

    Plus it had tons of features, the best to me was the keyless entry and start.  I never had to find keys in my diaper bag/purse while managing the kids!  It was so nice.  It's the only feature that's missing in my new car.  I miss it so much!

  • I have a RAV-4, which is perfect for me to drive around, but when we go anywhere as a family, we have an Expedition. I LOVE the full SUV. I don't know how parents of more than 1 get anything done w/o all the space we have. It's easy to drive, and it seats 5 plus 2 Evenflo car seats, and a Graco full stroller and an umbrella stroller...and groceries! Awesome :)
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  • I just got my first SUV last year: Honda CRV. I was always a sedan girl, I like smaller cars. The CRV is one of the smallest SUVs on the market, and I like the extra storage space and the AWD for northeast winters. And I never thought I would say this, but I actually like being a little higher off the ground, I can see the road better and it's just a comfortable ride. Plenty of room for passengers, and good storage in the back.
  • I've always had SUV's and loved them over the cars I've had the last 2+ years (Saturan Aura and now Chevy Malibu).  I lease my vehicle and the SUV's just became too expensive.  What I like about the SUV's over he cars:

    Leg room...yes there is more

    Storage area...I can't even get the big stroller in the trunk...I have to put it in the seat next to the carseat!

    Better can see the road much better and there are less "blind spots" AND other drivers can see the SUV better

    Easier to get the kiddoes in the vehicle...especially when they are really don't have to climb in can just reach in

    Easier to get in myself...I hate climbing in and out of my car!

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