Alabama Babies

what about this theory on A's walking delay???

I've tried googling this and found nothing - but...

Avery is clearly left handed. She throws with her left hand, eats with her left hand, colors with her left hand, picks up and puts objects into things with her left hand. She does some things with her right hand but you can tell it's a little awkward and unpracticed, she definitely prefers her left hand.

I have read that left handed people use different parts of their brain. Do you think that she's utilizing different parts of her brain and therefore the walking (and possibly talking) parts of her brain just haven't been stimulated as much???

I know it's a long shot, but if the using different sides of your brain thing is true, then this makes sense that it could be a contributor?

and FWIW, I don't think there is anything wrong with her - it just might take her a little longer to get there maybe???

Re: what about this theory on A's walking delay???

  • No idea about your theory, but....most people I know that are left-handed are engineers, mathmeticians...etc....

    And from what I've read, babies are ambidextrous until they reach an older age than both of our girls, so if she's already showing a preference, that's a good thing!! 

    She'll get the walking thing when she really wants to!  As my mom told me (to tell you)....I was barely walking at 17 mos. and didn't fully master it until 20 mos.

  • Nate is left-handed, but in every sport uses his right hand. So, I'm a firm believer that both sides of their brains are stimulated differently.

    I'm not sure about your theory...I just don't know that much about it. I did want to offer some comfort though....there is a little girl at Abby's daycare who is 15 months old and she isn't walking, crawling, etc. She is precious and talks up a storm and scoots anywhere she needs to go. She just hasn't had any interest in being mobile, yet. Avery's not alone. Try not to worry (I know..easier said than done), but if you are worried, has the doctor mentioned doing any further testing?

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  • we have another appt April 15.  She is "advanced" in many areas - and the kid isn't stationary - she is cruising and RUNNING with her push toy - she just doesn't want to let go and walk and I think the Pedi is going to be overly concerned about it.

     I think I have a VERY  stubborn kid on my hands. 

  • I'm left handed and my occupation is programmer analyst, so the theory about us being involved in computer, engineering, mathematical fields holds true somewhat.  (The President is left handed) :)  However my mom is left handed and she's a respiratory therapist, MIL is left handed and she's in a creative field (flower arrangements and such).

    Anyway, I don't much about your theory either though.  I know it's worrying you so I hope that she starts walking soon.  Sounds like with the running with her push toy she's on her way to doing it sooner rather than later though.  I don't want to beat a dead horse and tell you to try not to worry because I know it must be difficult for you.  But I do believe that all will be well!

  • My sister and I are both left handed and we did not start working until after we were 1.

    I also know of a litltle one that was in my class when I taught toddlers who would just scoot everywhere she needed to go on her bottom. She was about 18 months or so when she finally decided to walk and she really took off from there rather quickly.

    My best friend's first child also did not start walking until she was almost 1 1/2.

    Everything will work out with Avery--especially since she is so mobile otherwise!

  • When I was in college in undergrad (pysch major) I had a professor who said that the whole right/brain left brained theories have been a bit over emphasized...because we use both sides for so many things....I definitely think that's true when it comes  to personality. But I think it's possible it has something to do with her mobility.

    I have an unusual experience being left handed-

    As an infant, I had a stroke, which affected my right side. I ended up being left handed as a result, since I have a little less feeling in my right side and I automatically felt more comfortable with my left.(To this day, I can only type with my left alone, but I'm pretty fast-lol).

    My mom says that I first started to try to crawl using my left hand on the ground, but my right elbow. I ended up in physical therapy as a baby to learn to use both sides more evenly as I became more mobile.

    While Avery 's situation is different because she is perfectly healthy, I wonder maybe she feels more "comfortable" with her left side and if that has anything to do with her not walking yet. 


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