
A funny thing happened on the way home from the park

DD, DS, and I went to the park around the corner from our house today.  It is about 1000 feet from my house.  I have been struggling with a herniated disc in my neck for months.   Today was one of the worst days ever.  We live on a short dead end street, the park is on a short dead end, we are on another low traffic, small street for maybe 75 yards (speed limit is 25, but because of stop signs, almost no one is going more than 10 with super wide streets).  I wanted to go, but could not face walking or putting the kids in their seats, both super painful, so I just put them in the car and drove them. 

A guy who lives 2 doors down and has a baby the same age as DS saw me drive off with DD not buckled in and the look on his face was priceless.  I am sure we will be the talk of the neighborhood tomorrow. 

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