
18 weeks

And for the first time today I feel normal (as normal as I can being pregnant of course lol) This is the first day I have seriously not been sick, not felt to overly tired and was actually able to make dinner. I hope this is the beginning of my burst of energy that usually comes in the second trimester. Hope it's not just a fluke.

Re: 18 weeks

  • Good for you....15 weeks for me...and still puking daily.  Ick, ick, ick....  i actually miss making dinner.  (never thought I'd say that, but i've been so sick i don't even attempt it anymore).  soup and carry-out for me.
    TTC for 12 years. m/c 2009. BFP on New Year's 2010. Lilypie Second Birthday tickers
  • I was super sick still at 15 weeks also and wasn't making dinner yet either. It was always soup or take out for us too unless DH was able to cook. Hopefully you start to feel better soon.
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  • Around 18 weeks is when I started to feel semi-normal again. Hopefully you will be feeling better now!
    Lilypie Fourth Birthday tickersLilypie First Birthday tickers
  • Yay!  Good for you!  I started to feel better at 18 weeks, too.  I hope we both get to enjoy this feeling for a good long while.  (Yeah, I know, fat chance!)
    TTC Since 2007 M/C survivor twice in 2008 IVF twice at CCRM in 2009 TWIN BOYS born in July 2010 IVF again in 2011 BABY GIRL due August 2012
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