
Independent Adoption

Can anyone recommend any websites or books? 
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Re: Independent Adoption

  • What kind of adoption are you looking into? I am not sure what you mean by Independent Adoption............ We did a private IA from Canada.
  • Good starter books for adoption in general include Adoption for Dummies, The Complete Idiot's Guide to Adoption, and The Complete Adoption Book.  Any of these will give you basic information about each type of adoption.  I'm not sure, but they might even include where you can find further information on independent adoptions.  Unfortunately, I'm not familiar with any books that just focus on that type.
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  • imageGLynn2008:
    What kind of adoption are you looking into? I am not sure what you mean by Independent Adoption............ We did a private IA from Canada.

    An adoption without the use of an agency. I am assuming it would just be with adoption attorneys.

    We have been trying to concieve for 2 years with no luck. My husband was contacted yesterday by his old boss who knows of our struggles and someone that use to work for her has a 15 y/o daughter who is pregnant and wanting to put the baby up for adoption. Our names were mentioned as possible adoptive parents.

    I am not sure how this works as we have discussed adoption as a possiblity but have never researched it. I don't even know if this is really a good idea.

    I am meeting with a friend tonight who use to work with foster adoptions to get some information.

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  • This is how we fell into adopting DD. We had to use a agency for our homestudy and they in turn refered a lawyer to handle the legal stuff. Our DD was in foster care in Canada so they handled everything for DD and we only had to deal with our stuff here.

    I would suggest speaking with a adoption lawyer because they would know the laws for your state. We had to homestudies done because we were given the wrong information in the beginning.

  • here is link to adoption attorney referrals in various states:

    this is just one resource.  i'm sure there are more.

    TTC #1 for over 5 years - too many to count IF treatments (tried everything and anything), repeat miscarriages. Finally, Sticky Success!! B/G Twins arrived 2011. VOTE on my Name List Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker
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