We have DS (turned 4 in Feb) in a "baseball" clinic. It's not very structured, mostly just semi-organized play time for 8 four-year-olds. Nonetheless the boys are supposed to follow the instructions of their coach. At what point do you get involved if your kid isn't paying attention to the coach? I'm second guessing my putting DS in a "timeout" right in the middle of practice last week when he had turned into a complete wildman.
Re: what do u do when 4 year old doesn't behave during sports practice?
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I'd be second guessing that, too (not to say that I wouldn't have done the same thing, though!). He's FOUR. To me time out is not right for 2 reasons. 1 - he's 4 in an exciting environment. 2 - he's just at the point where I feel v. conscious of embarrassing him in public. I try to keep all that v. private. My son will be 4 in June.