My MIL is not my favorite person, on top of that she had one child and her life didnt change a bit. So when she sees me adjusting plans to have Finn take a nap or eat at 6pm she scoffs at me and has told me what she did etc etc.
Anyway, she has said twice in one week (we are visiting family in FL) that she cant imagine how we are going to do two kids this close in age. she said it to DH too. He said--we'll be great and we are ready (as we can be). I guess she cant fathom having more kids. I wish people would be quiet.
Re: MIL ugh
haha I do that exactly. She is very competitive and so when we got pg this time DH actually said--well she cant tell you what she did with two kids!
she tells stories all.the.time about DH as a baby. He is almost 30!she barely interacts with DS---its a mess.
i think thats it exactly. She just turned 60 a few days ago and never wants to be called grandma...she made up some name that sounds like Mama, I say no to that, so I call her grandma i mean get over it, being a grandma has its perks, you are gma age!