
Library question

This may be a stupid question, but can you get a library card for any library?  My kids love going to different libraries because the children's rooms have different things.  But I was wondering if I can get a library card if I don't live in that town?  We live on the town line of two other towns, but they aren't in our libraries network.
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Re: Library question

  • Probably not. It depends on the library policies, but generally, libraries are paid for through your taxes, so you have to live in the county/city of the library.
    photos by jennied photography

    Alissa Jean

  • Around here you have to get one at the library in your city and then you can go to other libraries and take out books b/c they're all in the same network.  Some of the libraries will make you "activate" your card at their library before you start taking books out there. But, we can go visit any library we want whether we live there or not.  I actually never take out books from my library b/c there are 2 that are closer to me.  I will reserve books online and have them delivered to that library for me to check out.  It's awesome!

    Call your library and ask them to explain their policy to you. 

    DS1 age 7, DD age 5 and DS2 born 4/3/12
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  • If the library is part of a network you can use one card at different libraries in the area.  A bunch of them in my area are all part of the same network so I can use the library in my town and several surrounding towns with one library card.
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