
Christmastime baby?

I'm not sure if this is the best place to post, but I figured you all have the experience of little ones already and may be able to provide some insight.

DH and I are trying for our first child.  We lost our first pregnancy in November at 15 weeks and are now trying again.  The thing is, if we were to be successful this cycle, we'd have a Christmas Eve due date.  Now, I know babies can have a mind of their own and be early or late, but I'm not sure I want to stack the odds in favor of a Christmastime baby, knowing how busy the holidays are for us already.  Between DH and I, I'm the one who's busier during the holidays, what with shopping, wrapping, social scheduling, etc. all on top of working FT and I'm not sure if throwing a birthday in there will pile on the stress (since heaven knows I'll be the one planning those parties, too.)  Also, a close friend of ours had their baby 12/24/09, so we know we'll already have those celebrations, too.  Do any of you have any insight, either with your own kiddies or friends/family?  Am I being unreasonable, or is this a rational consideration?  Please don't flame me, but I do appreciate honesty.


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Re: Christmastime baby?

  • I'm of the opinion that something will always come up.  There will always be some reason to delay, or skip a month, whatever.

    So, to me, it's silly to plan around everything that might or might not happen.  Have sex, get knocked up or not, and wing it ;-)

  • I wouldn't let it put off TTC.  DS was due on 12/25 - granted he ended up arriving 7 weeks early, but still - I wasn't thrilled about the idea, but I was happy about the baby! 
    Michelle, Happily married to R 2006,
    StepMom to P, Mama to R and E.
    SAHM and weekend NICU nurse
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  • I had 2 December babies, so clearly the timing didn't put me off. I just did a lot of online shopping, used gift bags instead of wrapping, and bailed on anything that was too much with a newborn.
    AKA KnittyB*tch
    DS - December 2006
    DD - December 2008

  • Ditto Kori.  Something will always come up.  Besides like you said babies have a mind of their own.  My DD#2 was due on 12/25.  I went into labor on 12/14 (she was born that day, too).   At first when I got the due date I was bummed.  Then I started thinking it was neat and could be extra special.  The holidays will be busy regardless of having a birthday thrown in there, too. 

     If you already tried and might have been successful, there is nothing you can do now. But if you haven't tried yet and If it is really that big of a concern though ("I'm not sure I wantto stack the odds in favor of a Christmastime baby"), just wait a month to try to get pg. 

  • BJKLBJKL member

    I personally am holding off because I don't want a christmas baby but part of that is because I was as a kid and I know how hectic it was.  plus we just had a family member have a baby aright near christmas and I want to avoid a lifetime of them being annoyed at us (trust me...they are like that)

     That being said...we have not started trying yet and I have not experienced a loss and I think if I had I would be less likely to wait. 

    The holidays can be hectic but you just would need to be flexible. we used to have my family birthday party in Nov so we could avoid christmas.  It might be an amazing experience to have a christmas baby :-)

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  • I thought it was kind of nice.  Because I was SO pregnant, we scaled back what we did that month by a lot.  My inlaws come for. Christmas anyway, so they just came a bit early to watch DS while we were in the hospital.

    We didn't go to DH's cousin for Christmas Day and just had a nice, relaxing time with a one-week-old (she was actually due the 22nd, so I'm glad I wasn't in the hospital for Christmas).

    Granted, having her birthday the week before Christmas is a little hard.  Eventually, I'll have her party in early December - or maybe even after the holidays in January.  We actually canceled her first party because she was sick and her second was on a blizzard day and canceled as well. 

    But, things happen - no matter when their birthdays are.  Go for it.

  • I could have written this post myself! We have been TTC now last month & now if we were to get pg, our due date would be 12/24 as well!  The more I think about it, the more I just want another child.  There has been excuse after excuse for us for the last few months-so what does it really come down to? We want to expand our family now.  DD will be 3.5 by then & I really wanted them closer in age, it just didn't work out for us.  The only thing I worry though for a Dec baby are the cold/flu sickness.
    Lilypie Fifth Birthday tickers Lilypie First Birthday tickers
  • I just wanted to thank everyone for your thoughts and opinions so far.  It's been very helpful, and I appreciate it!
    Lilypie First Birthday tickers
  • I always said I didn't want a baby between Thanksgiving and New Years.  DD was due 12/27 and came on 12/22.  I left the hospital a day early and came home on Christmas Eve and missed my family's celebrations that year (turned out it was the last one with my father who passed away the next year).  Looking back I would do it again in a minute.  We have here parties in January and just celebrate with the family on her actual birthday.  Doesn't seem to bother her at all yet (she's 5).  The baby was the important thing, not the birthday.  I say just let what happens happen.  Maybe it will take a month or two or not.  If you do get pg, buy and wrap in your middle trimester when you have energy.  You don't have to do everything in December.  Happy baby dust to you.   
    Proud Mommy to Kaylie 12-04, Alaina 5-06 & Annalise 6-08 imageimage
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