
Please tell me it gets better

We've had Hunter home since Friday, and my husband went to work Monday.  I'm feeling so overwhelmed.. so tired.. sleeping in two hour chunks of time is NOT agreeing with me and is making this transition so much harder to deal with!!

Not to mention, I'm totally stressing about the five appointments we have back at the hospital over the next two weeks.. 45 minutes away.. where will I feed him?  Will he be ok in the back by himself? Ahh!!

Please tell me this gets easier.  Being a mom is harder than I ever thought it would be.

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Re: Please tell me it gets better

  • Yes, it will get better. You will get used to it more, and things will calm down once you go to an appt and know how things go. I still had access to the lactation rooms whenever I brought Olivia to get blood draws and all, but I;m not sure if that was because I became friends with the LC there or if everyone had that access.

    Evntually things will be old hat for you and LO, including long car rides. Just make sure if LO has an apnea monitor to run the monitor up front so you don't have to get out and fix it should it go off in the car.

    I felt like (at times) I had overscheduled days. More days than not (esp her first month home) I felt like I lived for drs appts and stuff.

    It will get easier. *hugs*

  • It does get better, hang in there. It took awhile for us, but it all seems more and more like a bad dream lately. I'd suggest rounding up some help if you can. Friends, family, ask one of them if they'd go with for the first few apts just so you can work on getting the hang of it. Someone could sit in the back with LO just in case. If anyone would be up to coming over and helping with house work or getting you a nap, take them up on it, and DON'T be afraid to ask. A lot of people have probably been wanting to help you for awhile and not knowing how. Give them a call : ) 
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  • I promise it will get better!  You'll get more confident as you gain experience.  Also, ditto what pp said about asking for help...maybe someone could come with you to some of the appointments so you could ride in the back?
  • ijackijack member
    It does. Not to say that you won't always have your good days and your bad days, but as you get more comfortable with new things you'll mostly have good days :)
    Emma - March '08 Quinn - August '11
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  • It gets so much better!  Every week gets easier because you have more experience and everything you have to do becomes more automatic.  It will also become more rewarding as your baby grows and can respond to you.  Good luck.
  • It definitely does get better!  After about two weeks of no sleep my body got over being tired and just went along for the ride.
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