Did you use a regular roasting pan, like the kind you roast a turkey in, or a shallower roasting pan? Was 5 hours sufficient? TIA.
Sorry to overanalyze this, but I get home pretty late on Tuesdays, so I want to make sure I start at a proper time to have it done by dinnertime. My regular roast chicken recipe says it takes 50 minutes max, but it always takes me almost twice as long, and I think it's because I've been using a regular roasting pan instead of the "shallow" roasting pan it calls for.
Re: Another question about Cleo's chicken
I think it's hilarious that this is being called "Cleo's chicken," LOL.
Anyhow, I've used all sorts of pans. It doesn't really matter too much, IME. Just select a pan that fits your bird- if I'm doing two chickens I'll do them side by side in my big turkey roasting pan, if I'm only making one chicken I'll put it in a smaller baking dish.
Sometimes I'll put the chickens on a roasting rack, other times I just plop them straight into the bottom of the pan. Works fine either way.
DS - December 2006
DD - December 2008
On mac/safari, so can't do clicky, sorry.