
Allergy shots for a 3yr old?

Does anyone have to give their child this young (or know anyone that does) allergy shots?

Some of you may know the backstory, but DS has been getting sinus infections every 6 weeks for as long as I can remember, and has been on a steady stream of antibiotics since October. He had his adenoids out last month in an attempt to make this all go away....and within 2 weeks he was sick again. We were referred to a pediatric allergist, and he said DS had the most severe reaction he's ever seen to multiple things (dogs, cats, grass pollen, dust mites, etc.) We're trying environmental control + Nasonex/Claritan for 3 months, and if that doesn't do the trick they said he'll need allergy shots.   I've been doing some research on this, and I've read articles that say it's not safe to give a child under 5 allergy shots. 

 His follow-up appointment with his ENT is tomorrow, so I'll be talking to the Dr. about this, but I was just curious of opinions here.

Thanks girls. Smile

Happy 4th birthday!
Matthew James 1/11/07

Re: Allergy shots for a 3yr old?

  • He sounds just like my oldest....definitely talk to the allergist about shots.  Josh started his at 4.5 yrs old just for a year.  He had to start them back up when he was around 10 because they found more stuff he was allergic to...however he had a bad anaphalaxis reaction by the 4th week.  The allergist didnt want to do anything new or different  so I switched allergist.  The new one drastically diluted the new serum which meant he had 3 shots 3 times a week.  He did this for about a year then gradually worked his way up to just 2 shots once a week.  All together he was on the shots for about 3 yrs.

    He's now 22 yrs old and while he still has some issues most of them are controled by meds.  So definitely talk to your allergist about this.

    Josh-10/1/87, Brittany 3/9/91, Mandi 7/26/92, Michelle 9/11/06 image I'M GRAPE JELLY- ALWAYS AROUND & ALWAYS THE SAME If I leave here tomorrow, would you still remember me. For I must be traveling on now. Because there are too many places I've got to see. -Allen Collins & Ronnie VanZant My favorite verse!
  • My almost three year old just started allergy shots.  It was something I had no intention of doing, I felt I could not make that decision for him, when he was older he could decide.  Unfortunately when tested we found a series of environmental allergies that we can't control, he has had ear/sinus/congestion issues, and from that vomitting issues.  The doctor said if we didnt' do the shots he'd be destined to similar sinus issues that I have (i've had sinus surgery once, they want to do it again.  Basically every 1-2 year I need sinus surgery-I refuse to do it, it sucked!)  Anyways, he started about two months ago, he goes once a week for 6 months then once a month.  The first few visits he cried a little, now we have it down pat.  He gets a lollipop right before they give the shots (he gets three, they combine the allergens for kids so he gets all environmental in one, molds in another, pets in another).  Then we have to wait 15 minutes and we look at an animal book he has.  He doesn't even cry anymore...

    Good luck!

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