
I don't know how moms can be expected to work

Whether it's inside the home or outside the home, I just don't know how any mom can be expected to get anything done.  I devote such a high number of minutes a in the day and brain cells to thinking about how stinkin' cute my kids are, I just don't know how I have time/brain function left for anything else.

Re: I don't know how moms can be expected to work

  • Agreed. and I am a WOHM (45 hours/week).
  • I don't get anything done...if I am not attending to a need of one of them, then the baby is on my lap asleep while I admire her now. :o)  I don't risk putting her in the crib because there is a good chance she'd wake up in the transition & there goes my quiet time.
    AKA Carol*Brady! IHO my upcoming 10yr Nestiversary--Back to old screenname. My own Marsha, Jan & Cindy... imageDesigning a Life Blog
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