Baby Names

would love opinions on these girl names









Re: would love opinions on these girl names

  • Eliza, Isla and Celia very nice.

    Georgia and Ivy, okay

     Gemma, Frances NMS

    Alice seems kind of old lady to me.  However, all of your choices are far, far better than many of the trendy pretentious boy for girl names that are so popular around here.

  • imageamcam24:

    Eliza -I could go either way. NMS really-

    Alice -Like it but I have a feeling it might get super popular-

    Gemma -Reminds me of the model Gemma Ward but a pretty name nonetheless-

    Frances -My granma's name however I dont care for it as a first name though-

    Celia -very classic and pretty, a bit nick namish to me though-

    Georgia -I am a weirdo and I love it, DH vetoed it though ;p-

    Ivy -mmmmm eh. I could take it or leave it. no real opinion on this one-

    Isla -pretty but you'd be telling people how to say it all the time-


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  • Great names..   my favs are Alice & Isla   and least fav's are Eliza and Gemma

  • I have a feeling Alice is going to get popular too.  I know it's very old lady, but everyone said that about my son's name (that it was an old man's name) and now it's in the top 100.
  • My favorites are Celia, Isla & Eliza
  • imageamcam24:

    Eliza-   trendy but ok

    Alice - - very classic

    Gemma -   ok if you're British - otherwise she would get a lot of "huh's?"

    Frances -  to me it's an old lady name and it sounds like the guy's version (Francis)

    Celia -  pretty

    Georgia  -  pretty

    Ivy  -  I'd always think poison ivy

    Isla  - trendy

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  • I like them all, but my favorite is Celia.  That was going to be my son's name if he were a girl.

    My least favorite is Isla.

  • Eliza - First association is Eliza Doolittle from "My Fair Lady."  I think it's cute, though.

    Alice - First association is Alice in Wonderland, especially with the new movie out I think a lot of people will think of that.  I always picture someone kind of prissy.

    Gemma - First association is Gemma Ward.  It's an unusual enough name that you might get some weird looks, but I don't think it's necessarily bad.

    Frances - I like the name Frances... it's a family name for us, but I couldn't convince DH to put it on our 'short list' for a middle name because it can be used for either gender (Frances/Francis).

    Celia - Not a fan of it.  I always picture a kind of chubby, cranky old lady (I have no idea why!)

    Georgia - First association is of the state... I think you'd get a lot of references to peaches.  I'm personally not a fan.

    Ivy - First association is the plant.  I think it'd be one of those names that would be really cute for a little girl/baby, but not so fitting for an professional career as an adult.

    Isla - I think of Island whenever I see the name Isla... it's definitely unique, but not one that I would pick.

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  • I feel the same way about the Alice in Wonderland thing....


    Alice and Frances are family names, so we could always use them as middle names. 

  • imageamcam24:






    very cute, very British


    nms, but still cute








  • I really like Eliza and Celia.
  • imageamcam24:









    Eliza, Cecily, and Isla re cute... The others are NMS.

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  • imageamcam24:

    Eliza- very nice

    Alice- eh, too old lady for me

    Gemma- very nice, different.

    Frances-  again too old lady, maybe for a middle name

    Celia- it's ok

    Georgia- very nice

    Ivy- not a fan

    Isla too trendy

  • I like Alice, Celia, and Gemma.

    I'm biased, though, because Gemma is my middle name.

  • Like Alice, Georgia and Celia.

    Dislike Gemma, Eliza, Frances

    Ivy is ok.

  • Sorry, they aren't really my style. The only one I like is Celia;)
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  • LOVE: Eliza, Alice, Frances, Georgia!!

    The others are good, but I don't love them like the others (my fave: Frances, but DW said no)

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  • imageamcam24:

    Eliza - Like it

    Alice - NMS

    Gemma - NMS

    Frances - NMS

    Celia - Love it

    Georgia - Like it

    Ivy - NMS

    Isla  - Like it

  • imageamcam24:

    Eliza - love this and considered it!

    Alice - ok

    Gemma - like it

    Frances - ok

    Celia - bad personal connotation

    Georgia - this is our DD's name! Love it, obvs.

    Ivy - great for a MN

    Isla - feel like it would be mispronounced frequently, just ok

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  • Eliza Yes

    Alice No

    Gemma  NoNo

    Frances  Yes

    Celia  Yes

    Georgia  No

    Ivy  No

    Isla Yes  (although becoming very popular)
  • Isla.. this was on my list but DH vetoed it

    Lilypie - (yNYF)

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  • imageamcam24:

    Eliza - Nope, not at all! Go with Elizabeth if anything.

    Alice - Yes, beautiful name. I will always love it.

    Gemma - Cute as a nickname, but that's it.

    Frances - The talking mule? Sorry, that's what I think of! Too "old"

    Celia - Nope again, maybe Cecelia, but Celia reminds me of Celiac and cilia (a disease and fine hair-like structures)

    Georgia - Maybe

    Ivy - So cute.

    Isla - Hmm....I'm not sure if I love it or hate it.

  • imageamcam24:

    Eliza Yes but I prefer it as a nn for Elizabeth

    Alice Yes

    Gemma Yes

    Frances No

    Celia Yes

    Georgia No

    Ivy Yes


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  • First of all, your names are GORGEOUS - congrats on the great taste!

    Eliza - beautiful, classy name..

    Alice - so cute...Tina Fey named her daughter Alice which makes me love it more!

    Gemma - very british sounding... normally love British names but not a fan of this one.

    Frances - super cute, especially if you nickname her Frannie

    Celia - was one of my top names, love love love.  However my hubby pointed out that it made him think of 'cillia' - those tiny hairy things (think science)

    Georgia - overrated in my opinion

    Ivy - would have been a top contender but I went and named the family dog Ivy so it's a bit of a no go now!  Love Ivy though.

    Isla - gorgeous british name.  Decided against it though due to the complicated spelling of our last name.  Isla works better if your last name is a bit common and you want to add some flare.

     Hope that helps!


  • I like Alice!

    Eliza, eh

    Gemma, ick

    Frances, I know a few older men named this

    Celia, I have always thought this sounds like a nn for Cecilia

    Georgia is a state and that is something I really hate

    Ivy, itchy

    Isla, trendy and everytime I see it I want to say I bet it is mispronounced a lot.

  • Eliza, Ivy and Isla are pretty

    Alice, Gemma, Frances, Celia and Georgia are NMS 

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  • I am so happy to see some people like Ivy. This is the top contender for our girl name right now! 
  • Eliza - very cute & classic.  Suitable for little girl and professional woman.

    Alice - same.  Love it even more after reading the book 'Still Alice'

    Gemma - hate it. 

    Frances - know it's becoming popular but still not my style.  Too dowdy.

    Celia -adorable but sounds a bit like 'Cillia'

    Georgia - also not my style

    Ivy - LOVE

    Isla - Also LOVE

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