I am a mom of a toddler and expecting twins. I currently drive a Honda CRV and DH drives a 2-seater Acura Integra. We obviously need to upgrade his car that I will drive. For moms of twin infants and another child in a booster, what kind of car do you drive and what are the pros and cons of them? I really appreciate it!
Re: New Car Question
We're facing the same thing. I drive a Mercedes ML 500 right now and it's to small. Everything I've looked at that has three rows leaves no room for anything in the back-even groceries.
I'm not going to get a minivan. My only other options are 80,000 cars and well, I'm not paying that monthy payment. I know Suburbans and Tahoe's do have room for three car seats but, I'm not to hip on those either.
I have no idea what we're going to do. We're in the process of figuring it out.
I'm firmly entrenched in the minivan camp.
We have a Honda Odyssey, and we both love it. It's a smooth ride, doesn't feel bulky, has automatic sliding doors (a must!), and has a lot of cargo room. It will also be able to tow our pop-up once we get a hitch package put on.
Sunshine Kids Radian car seats can fit 3 across in reasonably large cars (or in a minivan if you wanted plenty of room in the back).
Sunshine kids Radian car seats are are very slim car seats and also extremely well made,I think they are way better than even Britax. So if you have them you can get away a smaller car and fit 3 kids accross. But it's pain reaching over them all to buckle them in.
But in any case I would say you got to bite the bullet and get a minivan. Both Dh and I fought it and wanted no part of a minivan. We bought a Toyota Highlander before I got pg and he had company vehicle. He ended up changing jobs so no more company vehicle and we and we had to get a 2nd car. It was really a no brainer since we had twins and knew we would have another child. I still calll it the nerd mobile but it's great. It's decent on gas,it has more cargo room than even biger suv's We LOVE the easy accesbility of the sliding doors it's so much easier getting infant seats in the car with them. Regular car doors can make it hard to squeeze infant seats into them especially if you have a car parked next to you. I also love the floor space which make it easy to change the kids diapers etc.
GL and HTH
This is essentially what we have (we have the Freestyle, which is what the Flex originated from).
We really love it, but my advice would be to test it out WITH your carseats. We had a hard time getting our rear facing seats to fit exactly where we wanted them too and finally figured out a configuration that worked (since we wanted to leave one of the captain's seats empty for easy access to the 3rd row). We have 1 infant seat and our toddler's car seat in the 3rd row and 1 infant seat in the passenger side captain's seat.
I think the car drives really nicely, it has the space of a minivan, but isn't a van, ya know?
I was not on board with getting a mini van when we were first looking at cars. I was not happy about going from my hot momma car to a total mom mobile. We looked at some of the suv w/ third row seats and agreed that there wasn't much room in back when the third row was up.
We also know we'd like to have a third child after these two, so we decided it was time to bite the mini van bullet. We got a '10 Odyssey in December and I hate to admit it but my husband and I both really like it...dare I say, love it. Smooth ride, automatic sliding doors and back liftgate. The sound system is awesome and I honestly don't think I'd even fit behind the wheel of my mini cooper convertible at this point in my pg.
We had an Ikea binge yesterday and it was nice to be able to fit all that stuff into the van w/o having to contort ourselves for the ride home.
That's what I'm considering.....the Lexus GX. What is it that is turning you away? I haven't looked at it but, through the window this morning at the dealership.
It looks like we could fit two seats in the second row and one seat in the third row for Emerson. Then, we could leave one seat down for Emerson to crawl into the third row and still be able to slide a stroller in.
I know it's not ideal but, I'm really resisting that minivan.