Two Under 2

Any with 3 under 2???

While we were waiting for my husband to get snipped, we had an oops with the condom. I'm super, super tired and very emotional (crying at commercials and childrens' songs). I took a test and appears negative but if you look closely, there is a faint blue line in the second window. Yikes!

 I love my kids but I have three girls, 13 years, almost 2 and 6 months. I am freaking out!!!! Is there anyone out there that has three little ones? How do you manage? Do you have a nanny to help?



Re: Any with 3 under 2???

  • We are on our way to three under 30 months. NO nanny here at all! I would take a pink dye test in the AM. The blue ones are notorious for having faint evap lines.

    You will do fine if you are pregnant!

  • Not 3u2, but I had 3 in 3 years. It is NOT easy if you have no help. I couldn't find a part-time nanny in my area at all. I did have one last summer because it was too hard to get out of the house by myself EVERY day with all 3 kids.

    It's definitely not impossible, but if you could swing a nanny/mother's helper/babysitter, even for ONE day a week, or even half day every other week, it's WORTH IT!


    image Mommy to Barbara 11/8/05, Elisabeth 5/13/07, Loukas 12/23/08 and Lazarus 09/25/12
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  • My situation was a little different, I had 17 month old twins when my son was born.  It does have it's challenges, but it's totally do-able with no help.  THere are hard times, but it isn't as bad as you think it will be. 
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