AF arrived on Wednesday and I went to see the RE to discuss options on Thursday. He's moving to Texas to open his own practice. I am so bummed! He said that he hopes I'm pregnant before then and that he can leave with a smile because it finally happened for us. I am nervous about the possibility of a new RE because I love my doctor.
Our plan for this month is femara, follistim, and an IUI on my Spring Break. I am praying so hard for a BFP so that I don't have to find a new RE.
Re: My RE is moving to Texas
Oh no! I just switched insurance and had to find all new drs. (except my RE--I was able to stay with him). It is a pain.
GL this cycle. I hope you get a BFP and the RE switch won't be necessary.
photo by Scott Metzger
kikijbird ~ Erica (aka Kiki) & Paul ~ 24 April 2010
The JBirds Bio ~ Updated 03.02.10 - Invites!
Oh, Fertility Gods and Goddesses!!!
Lizzy needs a pre-RE departure BFP! Get on it, will ya?
GL. We're all pulling for y ou!