
PG Confession... (2nd+ time moms)

So I'm like 5 or 6ish months along, idk, I can't keep track. Often I forget what week I am-usually have to pull out my calendar to find out. With DS1, I knew the exact week I was in and what he was growing at the time. With this one, I don't even feel pg until he starts kicking to remind me he's there. I feel bad about that. Its not like this pg is less important, but I'm just not as 'into' it as I was with Jake.... Maybe cuz I have a toddler to take care of...? Idk. Am I the only one who feels this way?

Re: PG Confession... (2nd+ time moms)

  • i think you nailed it on the head with the i have a toddler to take care of.  with my pg with matt the focus was on ME (well in my nonparent self centered mind:) and with sean's pg the focus was on matt. :)
    Patty Matt 4/7/05 and Sean 12/14/06 image
  • Thanks, it makes me feel better to know 1 person knows what I mean. My IRL friends and cousins think I'm just crazy, seriously. They don't get it....
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  • You are not the only one!

    I was the same way with my second. When I was pregnant with my first, I did not have anything else to do , but think about the baby. With my second, by the time I got  free moment, thinking about any baby was the last thing I felt like doing. The first was usually wanting to take a nap!

    I made sure to play #2 music like I did for #1. I had to sort of force myself to remember. 

    Don't feel guilty. Other things I felt guilty about were taking less pictures, not having a family photo with DS as a newborn and not writing much in his baby book. Try and remember to write as much as you can down for the baby book. I kept a calendar around for me to write little things on so I wouldn't forget. 

  • LOL Emily- I didn't even get a baby book started for DS1. (Mommy fail) oh well. I have LOTS of pics and plan on having lots of this one too.
  • You aren't alone. Now that I'm 38w, I've been making myself enjoy this PG, since 99.9% sure this is our last. But yea, until the third tri, I could never keep my weeks/months straight! I think it's normal, cuz it ain't about us anymore. ; )
    DD 7.28.06 * DS 3.29.10

    Christmas 2011
  • I absolutely did not obsess about my second pregnancy 1% as much as I did with my first.  I do think it's because you have a toddler to care for.  It really  makes you realize just exactly how much free time we had before we became mothers.
  • I'm actually taking more pictures of my belly this time around than I ever did with P.

    I didn't really keep track of my weeks either until I got into the 3rd trimester and now it's only because I'm more uncomfortable and want to know how much longer I have to

    It is very different this time around, chasing a 3 year old (instead of just relaxing on the couch).

  • Man ain't that the truth!! I had SO much free time pre-DS....and I used to think I was busy all the time then. Ha! Stupid me....
  • I can totally relate. It definitely has much more to do with having a toddler. I think I'm more worried about Liam being taken care of and how he'll adjust to a new baby then anything else! It's kind of overshadowing what I should be enjoyingthrough the end of my last pregnancy!
    Liam is 5!
    AlternaTickers - Cool, free Web tickers
  • imagestacynikki:
    I can totally relate. It definitely has much more to do with having a toddler. I think I'm more worried about Liam being taken care of and how he'll adjust to a new baby then anything else! It's kind of overshadowing what I should be enjoyingthrough the end of my last pregnancy!
    Hey! How's it going!? Did you get your texting to work on your phone yet? Ever figure out how to see pictures?
  • Not alone, its definitely harder the second time around. It all works out though, the first one gets more attention, but the second one gets the benefits of all the mistakes you made with the first.

    I like to think it all evens out in the end.

  • Text is working but I have not tried pics. I'll try to send you one of Liam!
    Liam is 5!
    AlternaTickers - Cool, free Web tickers
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