This is SO not fair. I have just a common cold but I know it's dangerous to newborns especially preemies. I can't see the babies which totally (for lack of a better word) sucks. I hope it goes away soon.
Anyone deal with this? When will I be able to see them? Is there anything I can do TO see them?
Re: Colds and NICU
My husband and I both came down with colds while Evan was in NICU too. We waited until we were feeling pretty close to 100% and then wore a mask just to be extra safe. I think I had to miss 3 days and my husband 4, but it was a pretty light fast moving cold though. It was really hard to miss, but we made up for it with extra calls. I know one other family who was in NICU while we were. When the dad got sick, he stayed outside and got help from someone just to see picture of his kids. You could try arranging something like that.
Hope you're feeling better really soon.
Thank you. It's hard because I want to spend as much time as I can with them but I know, I have to get better before I can. E had an apnea and brady early this morning and I can't even see her.
I was sick for over a week and they would not let me visit at all. DH had to go and take pictures to bring home and I talked to the nurses so many times a day I think they carried the phone around with them attached to their ears. After a week and just before I was really well, they had pity on me and let me go in wearing a hospital gown over my clothes, gloves, and a mask. It felt so good to be there with DD that I didn't care what they made me wear. I just wanted to be there. Those were the LONGEST DAYS OF MY LIFE. I hated every minute of it, but I knew I had to do it for DD's sake.
I hope you're feeling much better soon!!!!