Hi ladies,
I just wanted to introduce myself. My name is Mary and I have an almost-3-week old little boy named Tyler. Here's our story:
I went for my normal OB appt on 12/17/09 and after the usual exam I asked my doctor about weird pressure I felt near my bladder and some odd discharge, he checked my cervix and found I was 3 cm dialated. I was 23w5d, so we were told to head to the hospital to be put on bedrest due to an incompetent cervix/preterm labor.
I ended up in L&D for 2 days, then in ante-partum (hospital bedrest) for 74 days, for a total of 76 days in the hospital. My DH stayed with me as much as possible and the nurses were great. There were a few times my doctors thought about sending me home, but something always came up. At 28 weeks, I had hourglassing membranes,and then at 31w4d my water broke. I held on for a few more weeks and we planned induction for 34w2d due to the risk of infection.
Tyler, however, had different plans. He came on his own after a very short (2 hours 10 minutes from when I woke up with contractions til when he was born) labor the day before indcution. He spent 13 days in the NICU and came home with us last Friday.
So far things are going well. He's eating well and gaining weight. He sleeps a big part of the day. I'm pumping every 2-3 hours and we're feeding him that BM with a bottle because he was a slow eater at the breast.
I'm a little worried about how all this is going work when DH goes back to work on 3/28 but will figure all of that out next week.
If you want to read all the nitty gritty details of my bedrest, I had a blog https://beingonbedrest.blogspot.com/
I look forward to learning from other Preemie moms!
Re: i'm new here!