
Finding a MoMs Group

I have been reading a lot of posts in regards to "Moms of Multiples" groups. For those of you involved in a group like this, how did you find it? I have looked online, but am not having much luck. We will be moving to WI, and I can't seem to find anything. I really think it's important for me to meet some other moms with multiples, especially since I'll be in a new city without any friends! AHHH!

Re: Finding a MoMs Group

  • Try this link:

    If the club search page doesn't come up at first, look on the left-hand side for the link.  This is how I found 3 clubs in my area.  Good luck!

    TTC Since 2007 M/C survivor twice in 2008 IVF twice at CCRM in 2009 TWIN BOYS born in July 2010 IVF again in 2011 BABY GIRL due August 2012
  • you could contact the hosp where you are delivering.  my group is through a local hosp (not where i delivered), but is just the biggest group in the area. 

    hosps with a well loved L&D, or hosps with a good nicu might be good places to start.

    is the area you are moving to rural?  did you try just googling "moms of multiples in (insert city)"?

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  • imageanna2006:

    Try this link:

    If the club search page doesn't come up at first, look on the left-hand side for the link.  This is how I found 3 clubs in my area.  Good luck!

    this is a good resource.  there are a couple close to me i didn't know about.  however, i plugged in a few zip codes and found that the club i belong to (biggest in the county) did not come up.  also found inaccurate matches. 

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  • Thanks so much! Not moving to a rural area, so I am thinking they'll have some groups up there. Asking the hospital is a great idea....and I'll def check out that website. Thanks again!
  • imageanna2006:

    Try this link:

    If the club search page doesn't come up at first, look on the left-hand side for the link.  This is how I found 3 clubs in my area.  Good luck!


    I just checked this site out, and I found one! Thank you so much!!!! 

  • Not sure what you found but I have information on a Milwaukee one given to me by the hospital I am staying at.  If you want more information let me know.
  • imagedmbfan22:
    Not sure what you found but I have information on a Milwaukee one given to me by the hospital I am staying at.  If you want more information let me know.


    I was able to find 2 in Milwaukee through the website provided earlier. I hope they pan out. Thanks so much. I appreciate it! 

  • MollyMay - I just sent you a PM
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  • Wait, I'm from WI, can someone share with me too? I have only found the Parents of Twins one that meets in Brookfield. Am I missing something?
    Lilypie Third Birthday tickers Pregnancy Ticker
  • There's MOTC Milwaukee ( and you can also click click on "Other Clubs in WI" from their website in the left hand column
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