I have been reading a lot of posts in regards to "Moms of Multiples" groups. For those of you involved in a group like this, how did you find it? I have looked online, but am not having much luck. We will be moving to WI, and I can't seem to find anything. I really think it's important for me to meet some other moms with multiples, especially since I'll be in a new city without any friends! AHHH!
Re: Finding a MoMs Group
Try this link:
If the club search page doesn't come up at first, look on the left-hand side for the link. This is how I found 3 clubs in my area. Good luck!
you could contact the hosp where you are delivering. my group is through a local hosp (not where i delivered), but is just the biggest group in the area.
hosps with a well loved L&D, or hosps with a good nicu might be good places to start.
is the area you are moving to rural? did you try just googling "moms of multiples in (insert city)"?
this is a good resource. there are a couple close to me i didn't know about. however, i plugged in a few zip codes and found that the club i belong to (biggest in the county) did not come up. also found inaccurate matches.
I just checked this site out, and I found one! Thank you so much!!!!
I was able to find 2 in Milwaukee through the website provided earlier. I hope they pan out. Thanks so much. I appreciate it!