I know that this is discussed often, and that it is even on the FAQ link. However, I would love to hear from those of you with twins, and a toddler. My daughter will be about 2 years, 3 months when the twins arrive. Do I need a triple stroller? Or a double stroller with a toddler seat (I think I read about one...Valco maybe?) Or just a double and keep her in the umbrella (therefore saying I would need someone with me when I took the kiddos out). I just want to make sure I am making a sound investment into a worthwhile stroller at the beginning!
Re: I know, I know....another stroller question
The valco + toddler seat is the way to go. Triple strollers suck- most triplet moms don't even use them.
Griffin was 2y2mo when the twins were born and we still ue the Valco + toddler seat all the time - he loves it - and so do I! We can go anywhere since i can have all 3 in a stroller, that is easy to get around (unlike a triple stroller)
keep your single strolllers b/c you'll like having them when you need to take just one out - or you are with another person and want to use just a double + single.