Ahhhh! Black mold on my pump parts? Gross. I am super stuffed up and sick so I wouldnt have been able to smell them if they didnt smell clean. They were in my cupboard but when I started pumping it seemed clogged. I took it all apart and looks and in the creases where everything connects is black mold. Greeeaatt. The only way I can think of this happening is when my mom came over last friday and offered to help with the dishes, she probably didnt take it apart to clean it.
I just cleaned it with hot soapy water & dug into all the creases with a Qtip but it still looks like there is some in the creases deep down? I stuck it in the disinefecting microwave steamer but should I just throw them out and buy new ones??
DS didnt eat last night & Im soo engorged. I still have to pump so I guess pump and dump? This sucks!
Re: Just found black mold on my pump parts
I would throw them away sooo fast.
That really sucks, I'm sorry.
But I can't imagine feeding my LO milk that could of touched black mold.
I hope you feel better soon. I would either pump and dump or hand express in the shower to relieve pressure. I'm sorry, I think my milk is liquid gold, I would cry.
Is it black mold or mildew? If it is just mildew can you soak the parts in clorox?
that's a good point. in my situation, i'm pretty sure it was mildew. mold takes a long time to form and you'd prob notice it before it turned black (it usually starts out yellowish and gets darker).
I hate throwing away milk!