- If you attach the carseat adapter, can the stroller be folded up? And if so, do you have to take off the other seat to fold up?
- If the carseat adaptor is attached in the 'first spot' (spot closest to the handle), are you able to attach the seat if you so chose to, or does the whole adapter have to be removed to do this?
- Is it a pain to install the adapter?
- Can the seats be FULLY reclined so an infant can lay in it OR is the adapter the only way you can use this stroller to safely transport an newborn under 3 months?
Thanks all!
Re: Any Moms out there with a Kolcraft Contours Tandem?
I have it and really love it. I diid't use the adapter much, only when the baby was already asleep in the car seat and we were going for a walk.
I find the easiest way to fold it is to take both seats off then fold the stroller, put it in the car then put the seats in the car--the seats are really light and don't take up much extra room.
It's not a pain to install the adapter, but it's either the adapter or the seat.
The seats can't go all the way down flat, but they recline just as much a a car seat, and there is a head support thing for small infants. So you can use the seats right from birth.
- If you attach the carseat adapter, can the stroller be folded up? And if so, do you have to take off the other seat to fold up?
I find it much easier to fold the stroller up with both seats/adapter removed. The seats and adapter are so easy to remove that it's not a problem at all.
- If the carseat adaptor is attached in the 'first spot' (spot closest to the handle), are you able to attach the seat if you so chose to, or does the whole adapter have to be removed to do this?
The adapter is seperate than the seats. There are 2 seats and one adapter. You either have to choose the adapter or the seat.
- Is it a pain to install the adapter?
The adapter installs the exact way that th seats do. It simply snaps on and off. It's SUPER easy:)
- Can the seats be FULLY reclined so an infant can lay in it OR is the adapter the only way you can use this stroller to safely transport an newborn under 3 months?
I rarely use the car seat adapter with my 3 month old. We've been using the stroller frequently for a month now and I really like the seats. Like pp said, if DS#2 is sleeping in his car seat already I use the adapter. Other wise, I use the seat. I have actually removed the seat with DS sleeping in it.
I really like the stroller so far. We go on walks every day (about 3 miles at a time) and it's excellent! I like that there are so many options for the seats. My 19 month old likes it a lot too! The first few times I used it, I thought it was a lot of work. But now that I'm used to it, it's a peice of cake:) I would buy it again.
You can see my little one in the first picture - he's as snug as a bug in the seat. In the second picture, you can see that with the first seat (with baby) reclined, the front seat can't recline as much. That works perfectly for us. If they both need to recline all the way, you'd have to turn the first seat around.
Again, I love this stroller - I highly recommend it:) I have other pictures, let me know if you are interested.
Ladies, this is perfect. Thank you very much for taking the time to write your responses. I really love the options on this stroller and to me it is a very sharp looking piece.
If the carseat adaptor is an easy snap in like you said, then it would be easy to decide which option (stroller seat fully reclined OR the infant carseat in the adapter) on the fly. This, to me, is awesome. There may be times when I don't feel like dealing with snapping in the carseat to use.
It is perfect for deciding "on the fly" (lol). I keep the car seat adapter in my trunk all the time, it's so small and it even folds up. If you were out with it, it would easily fit in the basket beneath the stroller.
It's a tight fit in my trunk (2010 Ford Fusion). It all fits and there is extra room but I have to angle it perfectly to get it all the way to the back.