So I got myself down to one pumping session a day and I only got 4 oz this morning. I think I am going to "cold turkey" it now since I am not getting engorged anymore.
How long after you stopped pumping/breastfeeding did your boobs go back to their "normal" size? I have no clue what size I am now since I have been living in sports bras, but it's crazy big and I hate it. I can't wait to have my average-sized boobs back. Are we talking weeks or months here?
Re: pumped for the last time today - sort of TMI question
oh, not long at all to get a bit smaller. but 4oz is kind of alot... at least for me it would've been. the last time i pumped i think i got an ounce, and then there were a couple lumps that wouldn't go away after a day or so. so i stuck audrey on the boob and she took care of it. after that, i was completely done! just know, if your boobs protest, you can use a baby (if they are open to it) or the pump.
as far as getting all the way back to your regular size, that might depend on if you are going to lose any weight. i'm working on my last 10lbs and expect the boobs will get a little smaller when i reach my goal.
Shouldn't take long at all. I stopped EP'ing only a little while ago (like 2 wks or less ago?) and I'm already noticing how much less cleavage I have!
When I went cold turkey, I was weaned down to 5 oz. I thankfully didn't become engorged or clogged since.
FWIW, I had to throw on a target nursing cami last night (laundry was a little behind! ha!) and the cups inside that are out out fit me ok--normally, I had my circulation cut off since my boobs were so big while EP'ing. So there is a notable deflation!
HTH and GL
Oh man, even the XXL Target nursing tanks cut my circulation off! Crazy, considering that pre-pregnancy I was a C cup. Yikes.
Glad to hear it shouldn't take too long! It's been 24 hours since I last pumped and I am a little sore, but not engorged at all.
After 2 rounds of IVF & 2 rounds of FET, we were blessed with identical twin girls!