Claire's tubes were placed in February 2008. They haven't fallen out yet! We had an ear-check today with our ENT and he said that we should come back in July. If they haven't come out on their own by then we should talk about removing them surgically, either in the office or in the out-patient surgery center. He thought she'd do better if we have it done at the surgery center....I've never heard of anyone having them removed! He couldn't believe how good they looked today, considering she's had them for 25 months!
Re: Anyone's dc need to have ear tubes removed?
we are in the same boat. K got them in March 2008 and they are still there. We go back in April to see if they are still in there, if so, then surgery. Figures!
I'm shocked your ENT wants to remove them. Maybe its because my DD is on her 5th set of tubes (the current set is permanent and will be removed when she's 90...she keeps having infections).
Can you talk to the ped and maybe get a second opinion? I'd be reluctant to have it done because I know the procedure to have them removed. DS had a tiny hole in his ear drum after a tube fell out...and had to have the hole repaired. Same procedure for tube removal. I can give you more details if you'd like...just let me know.