New Jersey Babies

Any peds & daycare rec's in East Brunswick? tks..

Looking for daycare and pediatrician you like.  Any and all recommendations appreciated.


Re: Any peds & daycare rec's in East Brunswick? tks..

  • I am in EB too and interested to see some responses :)

     Where are you scheduled to deliver and when are you due?

  • Hi,


    I'm moving to Monroe Township next week, and looking for the same thing. I'm due in early June with identical Twins. I work in New Brunswick and I'm trying to learn the area. I'm a Westchester NY transplant.


    Any or all advice would be welcome!

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  • If all continues well, I'll be popping at St Peter's.  I'm due 8/16.
  • We go to mid jersey pediatrics and have been very happy!  Here is their website.

  • We use North Brunswick Pediatrics - on 130 very close to East Brunswick.  We used to use Mid-Jersey and stopped because the office was too big.  Dr. Booker at Mid-Jersey is great though. 
  • I organize a moms support / children's play group online for SAHM's w/ children newborn to 2.5 years old if anyone is interested.  See what we're about:

    I have seen several recommendations on our message boards for a Ped. in the Brunswick area.  Our members are very active and check in often so if you have questions about a practice you don't have to wait long for a response. If you stay home w/ your child and would like to meet up for playdates and such request to join us by using the link above and creating a profile for yourself.  This group is not for full time working moms but there is another group in the area that is specifically for working moms if you search

    I don't actually recommend the ped. that I go to and am changing soon.

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