Parenting siggie

This is one of Ethan we got done the other day.  We were really there for a picture with his cousins (get one done for the MIL every year), but this one turned out well too.  When did he turn into a big boy?!
Ethan George 11.4.06 Marcus Harvey 3.4.11

Re: siggie

  • He's a cutie! Ethan has that hat in blue (he found it and had to have it--it's like the hat Brian Johnson of ACDC wears).


    How are things with you and DH?

  • Better.  Thanks for asking.  We're definitely making some headway, but the sh*t keeps hitting the fan with other family members' health, job searching for my DH and such.  We're officially giving 2010 the finger. LOL

    Ethan George 11.4.06 Marcus Harvey 3.4.11
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