
One baby moved more often?

Baby A is so calm and relaxed on the ultrasounds and baby b is like a maniac! I also feel way more movement where she is. Just curious if anyone experienced this? Once they were born, was the overactive fetus more active?

Re: One baby moved more often?

  • It is the same for me.  A moves less than B and B seems to be non-stop.  I don't know if it will translated into their temparement. My doctor said that it may be a combination of temparement and location.  Baby Bs tend to move more than As (especially later because they are not as wedged into the pelvis). 
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  • I was feeling the same moving a lot more than the other.  My nurse told me that since A is facing my back I might not feel his movements as much as B.  B is up higher and facing my abdomen... 


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  • I hardly ever feel my girl move compared to her very active brother.    My doctor and u/s tech said it's probably due to position, but it has worried me all along.  In the ultrasounds and when she's being nudged by the doppler she squirms all over, so I take comfort in that.

  • Yep that's pretty common.
    fraternal twin boys born january 2009
  • Mine were the exact same way. Baby A was always so calm. I often worried b/c I didn't feel her move frequently. Baby B was wild and was always kicking and getting annoyed if anything touched my stomach. They are the exact same way now that they are here. Baby A is easy going and sleeps a lot. Baby B has a lot more energy and knows what she wants and doesn't want!
  • My girl (Baby A) moves alot less than my boy (Baby B).  My son (now 18 months) was a huge mover in utero and I was worried he'd be hyper when he came out but he's very calm and relaxed, great sleeper. 
  • I have many twins in my family and they all say that the way they act in the womb is the same once they are out..My Baby A always looks like they are beating up baby B when we have the u/s..So I think A is a girl and she is gonna bully her baby brother B..haha
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